The issue V6 N12 of Heterotopías entitled "Discourses, representations, and appropriations of the contemporary city. A look at urban habitation" is a special issue because, on the one hand, it includes "Discourses, representations and appropriations of the contemporary city...", coordinated by the architects María Cecilia Marengo and Miriam Liborio, of the Institute of Research on Habitat and Housing (INVIHAB), of the National University of Córdoba, which proposes to integrate urban spaces with social, political, economic, cultural, artistic, and religious processes in dynamics of change. These transformations, both urban, territorial and environmental, merit diverse perspectives, both from the academic sphere and from the praxis of different professions.  It is about understanding the city in its constitution, in its relationships, in its contradictions, thinking about the contexts, in which things happen and in the scales that interrelate the different processes that take place in a territory, in addition to recovering the invisible links that exist between them (Silveira, 2019 p.21).


To this important corpus we add another one, which we call "Inscriptions of the catastrophe", since these are sociodiscursive articles that speak of Argentine democracy forty years after its recovery, as "non-closable and non-exhaustive landmarks", a line of work that crosses different sections of this edition.


Both archives propose to make situations visible, to recover from dialogues and facts, emerging and inquiring looks, broad and encompassing complexity, theoretical-conceptual intertwining with practices, value enhancement, discussions on experiences and actions. These approaches are enriched with interviews, reviews and free articles that propose other trajectories adding voices to what has already been exposed.


Cover image by Julio Pantoja. Buenos Aires. 2017. "Remains of a poster on a wall of the ex Esma". In the torn poster you can see a photo of Pablo Lasansky taken on March 30, 1982 of the repression of the CGT workers' march.


Published: 2023-12-13

Paloma's steps

Mercedes Alonso, Patricia Zangaro

1 - 27