Intake pattern and nutritional requirements in children (2-5 years old) in the NOA and Pampeana region, ENNyS 2005
ENNyS, nutrient intake pattern, requirements, childhoodAbstract
The regions in this study have different social, cultural, demographic and geographical realities. These differences generate a change in the individual's diet and also in intake patterns. A nutrient intake pattern is defined as the set of macro and micronutrients that are provided by foods in an individual, family, or group of families.
The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between the adherence to macro and micro nutrient intake patterns representative of the Argentinean child population, in children from 2 to 5 years of age in the NOA and Pampeana regions, and their nutritional requirements according to the ENNyS 2005.
Study population: children 2 to 5 years old (n: 2466), domain of analysis: regional. Secondary data obtained from ENNyS 2005. Nutrient intake patterns built using main component factor analysis (AFCP). From the individual nutrient consumption, adhesion scores were estimated, indicating the extent to which the consumption conforms to each pattern. The adequacy of macro and micronutrient consumption (excessive, adequate and insufficient consumption) was analyzed to the requirements established by WHO and their association with consumption patterns.
Three 3 consumption patterns (Trainer, Energy and Protector) were identified. NOA had adherence to the protective pattern and Pampena to the Trainer. There is an association between adequacy of nutrient consumption and patterns at the regional level. All children aged 2 to 5 years old had excessive consumption of calories, carbohydrates and proteins according to their daily requirement, both in the NOA region and in Pampeana region. Children 4-5 years old (59%) don't cover calcium requirements.
Both regions presented: different adherence to different patterns; excessive consumption of calories, carbohydrates and proteins according to their requirement. It is necessary to deepen the analysis of these surveys for Argentina and their updating.
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