This volume, "Aesthetics, politics and nature: languages and ecopoetic experiences", Volume II "Bord(e)ados de vida. Marks of the conditions of existence in times of extractive violence", is a continuation of the previous issue and attempts to accommodate voices and views, the problematization of the relations between the civilizing model, logics of accumulation of transnational capital based on extractivism and the emergence of resistance movements and dissident processes in the face of the advance and expansion of its frontiers that it crosses, undoubtedly, our contemporary condition and puts into focus the interrogation about the (im)possible ways of interweaving the parental of human lives with the non-human (Haraway) in conditions of existence where nature is both limit and horizon. The dossiers of both volumes are coordinated by Mirta Antonelli, Laura Fobbio and Lucrecia Wagner. The purpose of the same is to make visible the aesthetic dimension of creative searches (which include while exceeding the field of art as an institution), and of politically revulsive and dissident activisms with respect to the frameworks (Butler) of monolingualism that regulate and hegemonically control the relations of force in the meanings and senses of nature, common goods, territories, cultures. Going through its pages implies receiving forms of violence, identifying collectives of resistance, situated aesthetic-political experiences and, also, bodily eco-existences, implies facing appropriations and interventions of ecopoetic and ecocritical voices that arise.

Published: 2022-06-30