Research in UNC students on obstacles to the COVID 19 pandemic
Studnet UNC, COVID 19, Habits and customs, obstacles and strategiesAbstract
The COVID 19 pandemic has caused a crisis in countless aspects of society. Life in a pandemic has forced the world population to change different habits. The University had to migrate to virtuality.
The objectives of this work focused on describing and analyzing the obstacles and strategies of students of the Universidad-Nacional-Córdoba- (UNC) during the pandemic; with regard to both their daily habits and customs, as well as their relationship with learning by virtual means.
In a mixed quali-quantitative study, a Likert-type questionnaire and other open questions were virtually administered according to the objectives. The population, students of the UNC. Intentional snowball sampling. In the first stage, 7 Faculties and 6 dependent Schools participated.
We present a preview of the surveyed sample (N = 170) with a descriptive statistical analysis of frequencies expressed in percentages. The results express that eating habits, alcohol intake, sleep and physical activity changed significantly. Thus, more than 70% increased in weight, referring to snacking between meals, and episodes of excessive intake as higher response frequencies; 13% increased alcohol consumption; 67% altered their sleep hours and only 13% maintained their usual rhythm of physical activity. With regard to learning, 71% consider their virtuality experience to be slightly to moderately effective; 36% consider that the relationship with teachers is very useful. Finally, as obstacles, the highest frequency refers to connectivity and organization of study time; and as strategies, group work and the synchronicity of the theoretical-practical classes.
In this first stage of the work, we conclude that the participating population expresses changes in harmful habits both in eating, sleeping, and physical activity. Likewise, with regard to the relationship with virtual learning, we find satisfactory experiences in relation to it.
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