No. 3 (2017): Border. Alternative Artistic Territories

					View No. 3 (2017): Border. Alternative Artistic Territories

This issue encourages everyone to reflect on the poetic, ethical, and political consequences of those artistic experiences that move from traditional spaces or circuits legitimized by practices to new territories. 

Although different theoretical approaches have historically questioned the boundaries between life and the arts, these boundaries appear now not as limits, but as territories that allow for new possibilities and intersections. This can be observed in those artistic practices that question the limits of the arts and their logic of production and in those that move to non-aesthetic fields, such as the scientific, the political, the pedagogical, the social, and the urban field. These experiences put a value on the creative process by perceiving it as a stroke of collaboration where complex and undifferentiated authorships are created. 

Is this situation a product of its time or was it art that searched for these new territories? To inhabit the borders. To place ourselves between the borders. It is in the presence of this panorama that some questions arise: Which new work dynamics do these artistic openings and alternatives create? Which specific poetics are built? How is the experience with the audiences reconfigured? Which are the hybrid imaginaries that allow for questioning? Which critical tools do we have to analyze their ambiguous condition?

Published: 2017-09-01
