In view of the wide interest generated by the previous edition of Revista Apertura, the Programa Ciclos de Nivelación de la Secretaría Académica de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades proposed this issue for the presentation of unpublished texts produced by student-assistants and seconded students of the Nivelación courses and first-year professorships. The proposal aims to put words to their experiences, critical reflections on their participation in the admission and permanence of new students, and the accompaniment in the processes of academic reading and writing.
The importance of the voices of those who accompany the entrants from the proximity of the student-recent graduate link seemed to us a central objective to think about this new issue in which the advanced students and/or graduates linked to the university are the ones who reflect on these processes and experiences in the courses dictated in the classroom or in the course mediated by virtual environments.

Published: 2022-09-30