No. 2 (2015): Anyone can be an Artist

					View No. 2 (2015): Anyone can be an Artist

This issue is marked by the central theme “anyone can be an artist”, a teasing phrase that allows us to encourage the development of diverse reflections on the indeterminate condition of contemporary artistic practices. Different questions arise around this theme: Is there a specific know-how that defines the condition of being an artist? Does a creative process turn its participants into artists? What are the differences that emerge between technique and creation? The possible responses and approaches can be given from historical, philosophical, and artistic perspectives. 

Instead of searching for limits and categorizations, we are interested in enabling diverse lines of thought about the contemporary artist. If anyone is an artist, the artist loses the uniqueness of their identity and its differentiation from others. This would be one way of looking at this issue. Another would be to think that anyone can be anything distinct from what they already are, that anyone can be an artist if they want to. Game on!

Published: 2015-11-13