Nutritional status, sarcopenia parameters and their relationship with blood pressure in a geriatric institution in Despeñaderos, Córdoba.


  • N Magnotti Escuela de Nutrición, FCM, UNC
  • MA Celi Escuela de Nutrición, FCM, UNC
  • C Albrecht Escuela de Nutrición, FCM, UNC
  • MD Defagó Escuela de Nutrición, FCM, UNC
  • GN Marchiori Escuela de Nutrición, FCM, UNC


Aging, nutritional status, sarcopenia, blood pressure


Aging leads to changes in nutritional status, including sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass, strength, and/or function), which is prevalent in this population and has been associated with increased blood pressure (BP). The aim of this study was to analyze the association between nutritional status, sarcopenia parameters, and BP in people older than 60 years.

The sample consisted of 50 people of both sexes from the geriatric institution Elpidio González, Despeñaderos, Córdoba, period 2021-2022. Demographic and clinical data were collected from the clinical history. Anthropometric measurements (weight, height, body mass index [BMI], arm circumference, arm muscle circumference [AMC], tricipital skinfold [TSF]), muscle strength (chair stand test), and functionality (gait speed test) were performed. BP Measurement was performed according to international guidelines. The diagnosis of sarcopenia was defined according to the consensus of the European Group on Sarcopenia in Older Adults (EWGSOP2). Multivariate models were constructed for statistical analysis and adjusted for potential confounders. The ANOVA test was applied to analyze BP according to the diagnosis of sarcopenia.

56% of the sample presented excess weight according to BMI and 34% had excess subcutaneous fat according to TSF. Sarcopenia was present in 60% of the sample, mainly pre-sarcopenia (34%). Regarding sarcopenia parameters, 60% of the sample had inadequate muscle mass, 50% had decreased physical capacity, and 48% had low muscle strength.Systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) BP values of the total sample were 118.47 (20.24) and 66.5 (12.13) mmHg, respectively, without significant differences according to the diagnosis of sarcopenia (p>0.05). In multivariate models, only a positive association was found between BMI and SBP (r=0.41, p=0.003). No association was found between individual parameters of sarcopenia and BP.

The main finding was a high prevalence of sarcopenia accompanied by excess adiposity and a direct association between BMI and BP, confirming the role of obesity in the development of vascular changes.


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How to Cite

Magnotti N, Celi M, Albrecht C, Defagó M, Marchiori G. Nutritional status, sarcopenia parameters and their relationship with blood pressure in a geriatric institution in Despeñaderos, Córdoba. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 19 [cited 2024 Sep. 1];80. Available from:



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