Quality of life of Medicine students of the National University of Córdoba, Argentina


  • Carla Andrea Gobbi Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Santiago Romero Chair of Medical Clinic, Faculty of Medical Science, National University of Cordoba
  • Matías Agustín Regis Chair of Medical Clinic, Faculty of Medical Science, National University of Cordoba
  • Elena María Rosa Díaz Chair of Medical Clinic, Faculty of Medical Science, National University of Cordoba
  • Guillermo Einer Allende Chair of Medical Clinic, Faculty of Medical Science, National University of Cordoba
  • Gustavo Alberto Pepe Chair of Medical Clinic, Faculty of Medical Science, National University of Cordoba




quality of life students, medical education, students, medical


Background: Quality of life (QoL), according to the WHO, includes the perception that a person has about their physical health, level of independence, social relationships, system of values ​​and goals, expectations, standards and concerns. The medical student faces a high level of competitiveness in the course of his academic training with an increase in the workload as he progresses; this causes symptoms such as anxiety, stress, sadness, among others. If these aspects are not treated or are masked, they can turn into depression, generalized anxiety, burnout and even suicide (2). Aim:To describe the QoL of the students of medicina at the National University of Córdoba, considering the complete training cycle divided into two groups from 1 to 3° and from 4 to 5°. Methods: Cross-sectional study, through the Guarani System of the UNC. The WHOQoL-BREF online questionnaire, which uses the Likert scale, was applied to all students. This assesses the global QoL and satisfaction regarding the state of physical and psychological health, interpersonal relationships and environment. p was considered significant <0.05. This work was approved by the Adult CIEIS. Results: 854 responses were obtained, 72% were female, 43% were from another province/country and 63% corresponded to the 1-3° group. Of these, 37% rated their QoL as “fairly good”, while 36% of the 4-5th grade group perceived their QoL as “normal” (p:0.0469). The most influential variables correspond to the supply of money for their needs (p:0.0005), sexual satisfaction (p:0.0056) and access to health services (p:0.0042) . Cronbach's alpha was 0.8899. Conclusion:QoL is better perceived in the 1-3 year group and economic supply, sexual satisfaction and access to health services were the main points to take care of in this medicine students.


Author Biographies

  • Carla Andrea Gobbi, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    Profesora Titular de la Cátedra de Clínica Médica I Hospital Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. UNC

    Médica Reumatóloga del Sanatorio Allende.

  • Santiago Romero, Chair of Medical Clinic, Faculty of Medical Science, National University of Cordoba

    Student Assistant of the Chair of Medical Clinic I, Córdoba Hospital, UHMI N°3, Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of Córdoba

  • Matías Agustín Regis, Chair of Medical Clinic, Faculty of Medical Science, National University of Cordoba

    Student Assistant of the Chair of Medical Clinic I, Córdoba Hospital, UHMI N°3, Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of Córdoba


  • Elena María Rosa Díaz, Chair of Medical Clinic, Faculty of Medical Science, National University of Cordoba

    Attached teacher of the Chair of Medical Clinic I, Córdoba Hospital, UHMI N°3, Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of Córdoba

  • Guillermo Einer Allende, Chair of Medical Clinic, Faculty of Medical Science, National University of Cordoba

    Associate Professor of the Chair of Medical Clinic I, Córdoba Hospital, UHMI N°3, Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of Córdoba

  • Gustavo Alberto Pepe, Chair of Medical Clinic, Faculty of Medical Science, National University of Cordoba

    Associate Professor of the Chair of Medical Clinic I, Córdoba Hospital, UHMI N°3, Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of Córdoba


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How to Cite

Quality of life of Medicine students of the National University of Córdoba, Argentina. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 29 [cited 2024 Oct. 6];80(3):205-20. Available from: https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/med/article/view/41147

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