This volume is an invitation "To think belongs both the movement - notes Walter Benjamin - and the stopping of thoughts. There where thinking, in a constellation saturated with tensions, comes to a halt, the dialectic image appears. It is the caesura in the movement of thinking". In another of those texts that, like Benjamin's, have known how to pause and scandalize the movement of our readings, Maurice Blanchot refers to "the legitimate pause, the one that allows the alternation of the conversations, the benevolent, intelligent pause, or also beautiful wait by which two interlocutors, from one bank to another, measure their right to communicate".
The experiences of thought are countless, while the thoughts of experience, those that populate our conversations and our libraries, our meetings and controversies, seem to be characteristically attracted by the figure of something that caesura or interrupts the current and the continuous, pauses and puts in wait. Interrogating this "something" -what is it that in fact stops in the interruption- is a way of inhabiting the interval between the pause, that interval that is also the time of rest and at the same time of resistance, where the heterotopias that we stubbornly think, write and tell ourselves are settled.

Published: 2020-12-30

The experiences of the break. Introduction

Miguel Ángel Dalmaroni, Gabriela Milone, Verónica Stedile Luna
