Artistic activism and planetary crisis. Resistance and communitas of pain in the discourses of ContraArte
Artistic activism, Environment, ContraArte, Discourse analysis, ProtestAbstract
This article aims to analyze the sociodiscursive constructions of the group of artistic activism ContraArte, born in the city of Córdoba 13 years ago. Specifically, we asked ourselves about the actions carried out in the period 2021 against the company Porta Hnos. that has produced pollution in the southern area of the city, leaving hundreds of families with different types of consequences.
First, we introduce the reader to the importance of artistic-political actions in favor of the environment, then characterize the directions of the ContraArte group. Secondly, we will expose the theoretical prism that operates as a starting point, followed by the analysis of the photographs of the Facebook social network that shows the muralist intervention that the group carries out in the San Antonio neighborhood. The research results reveal the construction of a chronotopo of resistance and dissent in favor of the environment that configures a communitas of pain (always marginal) within the Argentine social discourse.
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