Vol. 7 (2023): Building Responses to Gender-based Violence in Universities

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Another year closes and finds us in a state of uncertainty and perplexity. A noisy and violent return to narratives we thought were of the past. Our country has democratically elected a neo-conservative and neoliberal, misogynist and homophobic far-right political force, which has publicly affirmed that gender inequalities and all forms of gender-based violence are a fiction, pure ideology, a private matter. A political force that has installed, as part of global trends, the premise of freedom as equivalent to free markets and property. In this context, our editorial work, as a feminist journal of a public university in Cordoba, becomes essential. It is no longer just a matter of disseminating and publicising the research, debates and priorities of a specific social and political sector, but of sustaining them as basic and essential pillars of a constitutional democracy committed in every daily act to the defence of the public, of human rights and of Abya Yala. It is a path that involves the personal, but which can only be made effective collectively. It is a path that today more than ever we need to take care of, sustain and sow again in solidarity and love.

Published: 2023-12-08


Thematic Dossier

Collective Writing