Analysis of the Argentine residency system from the paradigm of Complexity Sciences


  • Maria Nardi HIBA
  • María Dolores Arceo Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires
  • Roberta Inés Ladenheim Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires



education, medical, systems analysis, health systems


Aim: The objective is to carry out an analysis of the system of residences in Health in Argentina from the Theory of Complexity, in order to improve the understanding of the reality of this system, allowing an analysis to be carried out from another perspective different from the traditional.

Source and synthesis of data: In this review, the properties and characteristics of the residence system are analyzed according to the new paradigm of the Science of Complexity. 

For those who make decisions about the residential training of young professionals, full knowledge of the system in a holistic way and reflection on the characteristics of an open system applied to the residential system is of great importance and, it gives (or can give off) great benefits and possible improvements for those who live the day to day of these training programs.

Conclusions: It is important to mention the ultimate benefit that knowledge of the study system analyzed here has or can have: the possibility of multidisciplinarity, as one more step in the evolution of this type of system.

Author Biographies

  • Maria Nardi, HIBA
    Plant Biochemistry, Central Laboratory Service Hospital Italiano Buenos Aires Specialist in University Teaching of Health Professionals Laboratory Quality Management Specialist Associate Professor, IUHIBA. Member of the Residency and Scholarships Area, Graduate Department, IUHIBA.
  • María Dolores Arceo, Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires

    Family doctor

    Residency and Scholarship Area Coordinator - Postgraduate Department - IUHIBA

  • Roberta Inés Ladenheim, Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires

    Postgraduate Department Director - IUHIBA


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Educación Medica

How to Cite

Analysis of the Argentine residency system from the paradigm of Complexity Sciences. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Oct. 20];80(2):163-7. Available from:

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