The genera Dirinaria (Caliciaceae), Hyperphyscia, Phaeophyscia, and Physcia (Physciaceae) in the Yaboty Biosphere Reserve (Misiones, Argentina)




Distribution, diversity, foliose lichens, taxonomy


Background and aims: A study of species of the genera Dirinaria, Hyperphyscia, Phaeophyscia, and Physcia in the Yaboty Biosphere Reserve (Misiones, Argentina) is presented, aiming to contribute to lichens knowledge in the region.

M&M: Specimens from CTES herbarium collected in Caá-Yarí, Esmeralda, and Moconá Provincial Parks, from the Yaboty Biosphere Reserve, were studied. Species identification included morphological and chemical analyses with spot tests with potassium hydroxide 10%, UV fluorescence, and TLC with solvent A. In order to determine the type of cortex and study ascospores morphology, sections were mounted in 5% potassium hydroxide and observed under an optical microscope.

Results: Thirteen species were identified: Dirinaria aegialita, D. applanata, Hyperphyscia variabilis, Phaeophyscia hispidula, Physcia aipolia, P. alba, P. albata, P. atrostriata, P. erumpens, P. kalbii, P. poncinsii, P. rolfii, and P. sorediosa. Physcia kalbii is mentioned for the first time for Argentina and the genera Hyperphyscia and Phaeophyscia for the first time for Misiones province. A dichotomous key, descriptions of species for which distribution is extended, photographs, updated distributions, and observations are presented.

Conclusions: This work provided new data about species of the Yaboty Biosphere Reserve, increasing knowledge about lichens diversity in the region.


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How to Cite

“The Genera Dirinaria (Caliciaceae), Hyperphyscia, Phaeophyscia, and Physcia (Physciaceae) in the Yaboty Biosphere Reserve (Misiones, Argentina)”. 2023. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 58 (4).

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