A (possible) repertoire of Cordoba's filmography: an incessant and diverse decade of feature film production (2010-2020)
region, public policies, cinematography, feature films, inventoryAbstract
In the last ten years, the cinematographic production in the province of Córdoba has not stopped growing, reaching recognition and legitimation on screens and very varied geo-cultural environments. It can be seen that, at the beginning of the century, the rhythm was slow but progressive, until reaching a centrifugal dynamic that produced a transformation in the offer of Cordovan feature films. In this way, a modulation time operated that enabled the circulation of other narrative rhythms, figures of subjects, landscapes, problems and sounds; at the same time that the field of production and the ways of making cinema in the region were reconfigured.
The State (national, provincial, local at different times) and its policies to promote content production provided a fundamental enclave for the development of this unprecedented phenomenon in Cordoba's cinematographic history. It is time, then, for an update of the “list” of local productions. Based on the experience of investigating the regional audiovisual field, a (possible) repertoire, by no means exhaustive, of feature films from Córdoba is proposed where stylistic plurality and the evolution of audiovisual/cinematographic trajectories and practices.
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