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Procolo de Interoperabilidad
Vol. 27 No. 2 (2024): Revista de Educación en Biología
Datos del Número
Revista de Educación en Biología
pdf (Spanish)
Food Education in Teacher Training: A Didactic Design from a Complex Approach .
Eduardo Enrique Lozano, Nora Bahamonde, Laura Dillon, Cecilia Cremer, Marina Alejandra Henriquez, Joaquín Álvarez Soria, Fabián Rodríguez
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The Scientific Legacy of the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo: An Interinstitutional and Interdisciplinary Proposal for the Teaching of the Natural Sciences with a Focus on Human Rights inary proposal for the teaching of the natural sciences with a focus on human rights
Ana Valentina Basso, Daniela Nottaris
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Health Education and Pedagogical Practices through the Process of Action Research in Science Teaching
Andreia Kornowski Barraz, Eliane Gonçalves dos Santos
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"River and Game" A Playful Proposal for Environmental Education for the Conservation of Aquatic Ecosystems
Claudia Pamela Quinteros, Cecilia Y. Di Prinzio
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Practices with Experimental Activities in the Biological Sciences Teaching Training: A Story of an Innovation
Silvana Ferragutti, Isabel Cecilia Pastorino, Carola Soledad Astudillo, Luciana Cibils Martina, Julieta Lucero
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A Bioethical Dilemma to Improve Argumentation on Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis in Post-Compulsory High School Classrooms
Paula Durán Espín, G. Enrique Ayuso Fernández
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The Use of Facebook to Teach Botany – Reflections Based on a Didactic Sequence Applied with Higher Education Students
Tainá Lacerda, Renata Priscila da Silva, Maria Teresa Buril
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Reading strategies and challenges faced by biology major students in the Amazon region: the case of UFPA
Elton Jhon Nascimento dos Santos, Gilberto Alves Araujo, Tainara Malta Acácio
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The use of Information and Communication Technologies as a teaching resource for Botany content in face-to-face higher education
Carlos André Espolador Leitão
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Shifts in Interest towards Epidemics, Health, and Science among Youth in Public Schools of Hurlingham after the COVID-19 Pandemic
Paula Bergero, Diego González, Manuel Benítez, Diego Petrucci
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Reseñas y comentarios
Possible Paths to Inhabit the Teaching and Training of Biologists and Teachers: A Letter to Undergraduate Students in Biological Sciences
Tiago Amaral Sales
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Review of Death told by a Sapiens to a Neandertal
Rodolfo Viveros Contreras
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