Carcinoma latente de tiroides en materiales quirúrgicos
latent thyroid carcinoma, smallest papillary carcinoma, occult papillary carcinomaAbstract
Wc present .23 cases of lateni Ih\'roid cai'cinonia which wereexamined iii 356surcica1 specimens ( incidence: 6.4°/o). having lound a sclerosinc variani predorn i nance. 01, 111e total cases thai ocre under studv, tsventv of thern be loniLed 10 nomen( SU° TE and tOree to men i 4•/), [)ue (o [he fact thai tOe conceptS of latent th\ oid carcinoma and occtilt thvroid carcinoma are ofien ni isused as svnonvms, regard ilig, hoih pathologies, nre ha e caretU iv exaniined iheavailable literatureand thei'ef'nre.
oc have made a critic analvsis of botO entities. \Ve aRo itoide a detai cd rnicroscopic studv of'the stiruicai speciniens and included a shce br it istopalitoiogic examination. vh ich vas evaluated every 5 g ob tissue.l he purpose of ibis last studv responded lo our consideration on tite 'cal incidence of iatentthvroid carcinoma, svh ich cannot be founci in ronline stud ies.
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