Relationship between craniofacial architecture and retained lower third molar. its symptomatology


  • Juana R Bozzatello Cátedra de Cirugía 11 'A- Facultad de Odontología Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


3º molar inferior retenido, epidemiología, sintomatología


Introduction.- In a high percentage of subjects between 17 and 25 years of age, retained lower third molars produce various lesions and complications accompanied by symptoms which may be sornetirnes confused with other pathologies. Objective.- Based on the frequency of dental consultations in our community (City of Córdoba, Argentina), we conducted a statistical study in order to find out how retained lower third molars affect our population, and to compare our flndings with similar studies carried out in other communities.

Material and methods.- The tvpc of third molar retention was related to age, gender, craniofacial mdcx, and clinical symptoms presented. Orthopantograms, profile teleradiographs, and cephalometric radiographs were done oil 162 patients ranging in age from 17 to 81 years (92 females and 70 males, 270 retainedIower third molars),

Results.- Our findings show that in the City of Cordoba. Argentina. the presence of retained lower third molars is more frequent in brachycephalic males with horizontal and mesioangular locations. Vertical and distoangular rclentions occur more frequently among females. There is a high percentage of Class ¡ retenUon , position A (foliowing Peil and Gregory classification ). in dolicochephalies. The most common symptoms are pain, pericoronitis, and caries in the second molar. These symptoms appear between 20 and 24 years oid, occur more frequcntly in females and tend to clisappear with age.

Conclusions.- Based on our observations we helieve it is advisable to do radiographic studies in subjects betwcen the age of 14 and 25 to cvaluatc the riskbenefit situation and to decide oii the prophilactic extraction of the tooth..


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How to Cite

Bozzatello JR. Relationship between craniofacial architecture and retained lower third molar. its symptomatology. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 4 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];63(2):38-42. Available from:

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