Prevalence of the bacterials causing diarrea in a Rosario hospital, Argentina
diarrhea, dysentería, Campylobacter, Escherichia coliAbstract
The frequency of bacterial agents causing diarrhea can vary in patients of diiferent areas, and through the time. In an epidemiological surveillance we studied 304 patients with diarrheal diseases looking for Satmonetla entertca, Shigelia spp, Carripytobacter spp, Aeromortas spp, Yersinia enterocolitica, and diarrheogenic Escherichia coli. C jejuni was isolated tu 30 patients (9.9 %), Salmonella in 18 (5,9 %), and enteropathogenic E coli (EPEC) in 7 (2.3 %). Most cases due ton Cjejurti had mucus and/or blood in their feces. Unexpectedly we didn't fine any cases due to Shigetla spp. There was rnuch less cases due lo EPEC than in our previous studies, and occurred only in children of less than 5 years oid. It is necesary lo take in consideration that C jejuni cause nearly all the cases of diarrhea in patients with mucus and blood in their feces actually in our region..
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