Assessment of the intake of macronutrients, physical activity and nutritional status of adults with hiv in córdoba, argentina
VIH, macronutrients, physical activity, body mass indexAbstract
Introduction: HIV infection is one of the main public health problems worldwide and more than 30 years after the description of the first case of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a stage that reflects the final clinical expression with the consequent destruction of the immune system, its impact on health systems is very important. A balanced diet and the regular practice of physical activity contribute to maintaining an adequate nutritional status, which together with highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART) delay the development of the disease
Objective: to analyze whether intake of macronutrient and physical activity are associated with the nutritional status of patients with HIV under HAART.
Methods: were included 31 adults of both sexes with HIV under HAART without prior comorbidity, willing to participate with consent and assisted in a Private Clinic of Córdoba Capital city between 2016-2017. The lipid and glycemic profiles were recorded from the medical records. Were assessed the body mass index (BMI), macronutrient intake and physical activity Fisher was applied with p <0.05.
Results: Fifteen patients (48.4%) presented normal BMI and 14 (45.2%) overweight/obesity. The average percentage distribution of macronutrient intake was adequate. Twelve patients (38.7%) performed 60 min/day to light activities and 11 (35.5%) to moderate/vigorous activities.
No association was found between nutritional status and physical activity level, nor between nutritional status and macronutrient consumption.
Conclusion: The prevalence of overweight/obesity and low levels of physical activity are similar to the general population.
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