Vol. 9 No. 17 (2020): When the territories challenge knowledge. Epistemologies, historicities and native ontologies

					View Vol. 9 No. 17 (2020): When the territories challenge knowledge. Epistemologies, historicities and native ontologies

From our perspective, when the territories question knowledge, mobilizations arise that disarticulate hegemonic knowledge: native conceptualizations, situated epistemic strategic identities, criticisms and displacements on the Eurocentric and colonial matrices. When the territories question the disciplines, they show their limits, the narrowness of their explanatory and performative capacity, their conception anchored in nineteenth-century and obsolete standards that only serve the hierarchical construction of authorized voices and vertical knowledge. When the territories question the knowledge, the peasant and indigenous struggles for land, the assembly struggles against extractivism and feminist struggles against patriarchy occupy a central place in the co-production of knowledge. Finally, when the territories question knowledge, the question about the place and practice of the researcher in the relations of knowledge-coloniality-power, and their relations with those others with whom they co-produce, becomes inevitable and indispensable.

Based on these coordinates, we invite in this Dossier to think, debate, co-produce the answers and questions that are being constructed to address a Latin American scenario overflowing with multiple subjects and subjects, bodies and bodies, collectives and communities that produce knowledge from heterogeneous, variegated territories , mestizos, Indians, popular and how they propose other epistemologies, historicities and ontologies (native, alternative, Indian, mestizo, Afro, feminist, dissent, intercultural).


Published: 2020-08-03