The role of bud bank in glyphosate tolerance of two herbaceous species


  • Elisa S. Panigo Conicet- Universidad Nacional del Litoral
  • Ignacio M. Dellaferrera CONICET, Universidad Nacional del Litoral.
  • Carlos A. Alesso Universidad Nacional del Litoral.
  • Abelardo C. Vegetti Conicet
  • Mariel G. Perreta CONICET, Universidad Nacional del Litoral.



Commelina erecta, Eustachys retusa, regeneration, weeds, herbicide


Background and aims: Commelina erecta and Eutsachys retusa are two perennial weeds, which show high resprouting after glyphosate application. This behavior represents a serious problem for weed management. The purpose of this study was to characterize the bud bank of both species and to assess their response to glyphosate application.

M&M: We analyzed 120 reproductive shoots of C. erecta, and 80 reproductive shoots of E. retusa, at 30- and 60-days post- herbicide application. The doses applied to C. erecta were 0 (control), 1.200 and 2.400 g a.i. ha -1 , and to E. retusa were 0 (control), 480 and 1200 g a.i. ha -1 .

Results: We found that both species presented active buds in approximately 50% of their nodes, even after herbicide application. Bud bank dynamics changed in both weeds after herbicide application, and therefore their growth pattern. The activation of originally inhibited buds allowed weeds to regrow and survive after glyphosate application altering their architecture.

Conclusions: The bud bank plays an important role in glyphosate tolerance in both weeds. The resprouting capacity in both species was similar for any dose of glyphosate applied. Therefore, an alternative control strategy based on the increase of the dose of herbicide would not be a successful alternative for the management of these weeds. The interruption of the storage of reserves in the rhizome system and the reduction of the number of buds would be key to effective long-term management of these and other perennial weeds in no tillage cropping system.

Biografia do Autor

  • Elisa S. Panigo, Conicet- Universidad Nacional del Litoral

    Investigador Asistente de Coonicet desde 2013, en el ICiAgro Litoral

    Auxiliar docente en la Catedra de Morfología Vegetal de la  Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral


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“The Role of Bud Bank in Glyphosate Tolerance of Two Herbaceous Species”. 2019. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica 54 (4): 553-65.

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