Ferns and lycophytes from Protected Natural Area “Paisaje Protegido Cerro Mbororé” (Misiones, Argentina).





Panambí, biodiversity, conservation, Misiones


Background and aims: In this work, the ferns and lycophytes of the Paisaje Protegido Cerro Mbororé, Oberá, Misiones, Argentina are studied. The phytogeographic importance of the area is discussed, since it is located in the transition between the District of the Mixed Forests and the District of the Fields, in the Amazonian Domain from the country.

M&M: The collected materials were deposited in the LP, BA, and SLP herbaria. For the identification of species, the Flora Argentina and local floras were used. The photographs taken in the field were uploaded to the iNarulatist platform. The herbarium specimens studied are mentioned in this section.

Results: The study area has 32 species of ferns (nine families) and one species of lycophytes. The most diverse family is Pteridaceae, with six genera and 13 species, followed by Polypodiaceae, with three genera and four species. Four well-defined environments with particular associations of species are identified: the top of the hill, the high-altitude lagoon, the north slope and the south slope.

Conclusions: The environmental heterogeneity, product of the steep relief, and the transitional position of the area, generate a complex community of ferns and lycophytes with an important environmental value, which must be protected from the danger of the advance of the agricultural frontier and forestry exploitation.


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How to Cite

“Ferns and Lycophytes from Protected Natural Area ‘Paisaje Protegido Cerro Mbororé’ (Misiones, Argentina)”. 2024. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 59 (3). https://doi.org/10.31055/1851.2372.v59.n3.44747.

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