Morphoanatomical characterization of foliage leaves of Bambusa (Poaceae – Bambusoideae - Bambuseae)




anatomy, epidermis, leaf, micromorphology, woody bamboos


Background and aims: In Argentina, the genus Bambusa comprises nine introduced taxa, of which the most cultivated are B. multiplex, B. tuldoides and B. vulgaris cv. vittata. Bambusa plants are characterized by non-seasonal blooms, after long and variable vegetative periods. The study of the foliage leaf anatomy of woody bamboos is thus usefulness in the taxonomy of Bambusoideae. In order to characterize each species, the micromorphology, anatomy, and ultrastructure of foliage leaf blades are studied.

M&M: With the aid of optical, scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy, the anatomy of foliage leaf blades of the three species are analysed. Qualitative and quantitative parameters of transverse and longitudinal sections and dissociated material are documented.

Results: The dimensions of the leaf blade showed significant differences between the three species of Bambusa studied. The micromorphology of the foliage leaf blade surface exhibits differential characters between the abaxial and adaxial epidermis between species, such as the presence or absence of microhairs, macrohairs and prickles; silica cell type; degree of cohesion and number of papillae surrounding the stomatal apparatus. The dimensions and characteristics of the fusoid cells and fibers show differences between the species, as well as the micrometric parameters as seen in cross sections.

Conclusions:  The morphoanatomical features allows the characterization of the  Bambusa species studied.


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Morphology & Anatomy

How to Cite

“Morphoanatomical Characterization of Foliage Leaves of Bambusa (Poaceae – Bambusoideae - Bambuseae)”. 2021. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 56 (4).

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