Weave paths and memories. Poetic actions of Proyecto Hermosura in Cura Malal
Art and poetry, Community, Memory, Railroad, TerritoryAbstract
In the following article we will stop at a small rural point on the map of the province of Buenos Aires (Argentina): Cura Malal, Partido de Coronel Suárez. The poetic and artistic actions carried out there by Proyecto Hermosura make it possible to recover the collective and poetic memory of a territory that, although it has been built around the railway since its foundation, nowadays stands on the absence of it. However, for the actions of Proyecto Hermosura it is possible to highlight, in the face of such absence, the survival of an organic perception of a territory traced by a modernizing diagram. At the same time, it is possible —and urgent— to preserve the poetic memory and practices of its community from its total erasure. For this, the proposal is the interweaving of other networks between territories and communities, whose matrix is no longer iron and wire, but collective, artistic and poetic affections and experiences. These will be conceived, in turn, as a critical approach to historical depth.
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