File. The tensions of archival aesthetics


  • Sergio Martín Universtitat Politècnica de València



archive, art, historiography, memory


Hand in hand with new media in the development of the 20th century, artistic practice has developed a reflection around archival institutional practices. From the questioning of the processes that revolve around the organization of information to the social identity record. However, authors such as Valcárcel Medina have criticized the archival art label within the aesthetic discourse argued by recognized art critics in recent decades. Therefore, it is worth asking if the tensions between the nature of artistic practice can generate their own archives or if these are another field not capable of being reflected through cultural productions. Throughout this article we will try to mesh from the central axis of the questioning of the tensions between art and archive to be able to discern the role of this in its artistic representation and, therefore, its link with the conformation of memory and construction historiographic.


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Author Biography

  • Sergio Martín, Universtitat Politècnica de València

    Artista residente en Valencia. Cursó sus estudios en Bellas Artes en la Universitat Politècnica de València. Ha sido seleccionado videoartista en la muestra ShortPAM!19 y es Mención de Honor en la IV Biennal de València y proyectado en el Octubre Centre de Cultura Contemporània, el IVAM(lab) y el Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània. Ha sido ponente en congresos como el IV Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Artes Visuales (ANIAV), el IV Congreso Internacional de Estética y Política, el XXIII Congreso Nacional de Historia del Arte, el LVII Congreso de Filosofía Joven: Philos-polemos o el I Congreso Internacional de Creatividad e Innovación en el Diseño.


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