Analogy in a biological concept: application to protein synthesis.

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Cecilia Estrabou
Claudio Sosa
Liliana Crocco
Walter Almiron


How to teach some theoretical concepts in the first course of Biology? Many science concepts are difficult for learners to understand, especially those that are unobservable and defy understanding by experimentation. Analogies can help to their visualization and make theoretical concepts understandable. Analogies should be presented as pedagogical tool requiring a structured, systematic presentation. In the present paper this tool is used to teach the protein synthesis process.


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How to Cite
Estrabou, C., Sosa, C., Crocco, L., & Almiron, W. (2005). Analogy in a biological concept: application to protein synthesis. Journal of Biology Education, 8(1), 18–22.
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