Implementation of the workshop Introduction to natural science research within the framework of university admission activities

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Celia Tognetti
Alfonso Aguilar
Miriam E. Gobbi
Eugenia E. Chaia


The present work describe the Workshop “Introduction to natural science research”, carried out in 2010, as an optional admission activity at the Bariloche University Regional Centre of the National University of Comahue for students of several careers, including Teacher Training and Licensee in Biological Sciences. At the workshop end (7 weekly classes), student's motivations and factors perceived as obstacles and facilitators were assessed by surveys means. Low desertion rate and favorable Workshop evaluation allowed us to conclude that it was a positive activity. Concepts and procedures were learned, and students were introduced to their future profession. Based on this experience, this approach is recommended as admission activities into diverse university courses.


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How to Cite
Tognetti, C., Aguilar, A., Gobbi, M. E., & Chaia, E. E. (2011). Implementation of the workshop Introduction to natural science research within the framework of university admission activities. Journal of Biology Education, 14(1), (pp. 49–55).
Experiencias Educativas
Author Biography

Celia Tognetti

Departamento Biología General, Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche, Universidad Nacional del Comahue