Young Scientists: The Experience of a Didactic Project of Scientific Initiation in a Rural Kindergarten

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Bárbara Arias Toledo
Luisina Battistón


A didactic experience is reported on a rural kindergarten, in which, through experiences inspired by elements of Ethnobotany, children are introduced to scientific thought and the botanical world. Respecting the curriculum indicated by the Ministry of Education, a series of participatory workshops are developed that include instances of setting objectives, experimentation and reflection. The practice is evaluated as positive and enriching.

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How to Cite
Arias Toledo, B. ., & Battistón, L. . (2019). Young Scientists: The Experience of a Didactic Project of Scientific Initiation in a Rural Kindergarten. Journal of Biology Education, 22(1), 59-68.
Experiencias Educativas

How to Cite

Arias Toledo, B. ., & Battistón, L. . (2019). Young Scientists: The Experience of a Didactic Project of Scientific Initiation in a Rural Kindergarten. Journal of Biology Education, 22(1), 59-68.