Analysis of the conceptions about Environment starting from graphic representations: an experience of teacher training

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Alfonsina Enrico
Alcira Susana Rivarosa
Antonella Audicio


The analysis of environment representations supported by educators, who took part in workshops of Environmental Education in fi ve different regions of the Province of Córdoba (Argentina), is presented in this paper. These workshops, which were contextualized in each environment, offered a space for training and critical thinking, where different activities were proposed. Such activities mobilized and recovered work cases in the fi eld of environmental problems. The diversity of the participants? origin also offered an interesting pedagogical framework to value the proposals that are habitually carried out in different educational spaces. The need of a change in the concepts and approaches to the environmental aspect was analyzed, starting from the identifi ed environmental problems.

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Author Biographies

Alfonsina Enrico

Alumnas del Profesorado de Ciencias Biológicas

Alcira Susana Rivarosa

Prof. cátedra de Epistemología e Historia de las Ciencias y Didáctica. Dpto. de Ciencias Naturales.Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físico- Química y Naturales. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto

How to Cite

Enrico, A., Rivarosa, A. S., & Audicio, A. (2010). Analysis of the conceptions about Environment starting from graphic representations: an experience of teacher training. Journal of Biology Education, 13(1), (pp. 25-33).