Fibromatosis Mimicking clinically in vas! ve breast carcinoma


  • Daniel Piccinni Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



fibromatosis, invasive breast carcinoma, skin retraction, relapsing entity


Our purpose is to report two cases of fibromatosis in two women of 34 and 48 years oid respectively that clinically appeared as a
invasive breast carcinoma, particular!y for the cutaneous retraction they showed. The histopathological diagnosis vas done based
on specimens studied with the common technique of paraffin embedding and Hematoxilin & Eosin staining. Both patients had firTn poorly demarcated nodules with the histopathological pattern of classic fibromatosis. Mammary fibromatosis is un infrequent relapsing entity, not suspected in differentiai ci inical diagnoses. The pathologist should bea it in niind , especially in frozen biopsiescialmente en las biopsias intraoperatorias.

Author Biography

  • Daniel Piccinni, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    Department of Anatomical Pathology, Emergency Hospital,
    School of Medicine,


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Original Papers

How to Cite

Fibromatosis Mimicking clinically in vas! ve breast carcinoma . Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 30 [cited 2024 Oct. 19];56(2):129-32. Available from:

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