Proyecto de guion desde niños/as de la historia para niños/as del presente
Scriptwriting project from children of history for children of today
accessibility, inclusion, childhoods, museography, publicAbstract
In this paper, we present the results obtained from the diagnosis, design as well as the implementation of a new museographic script accessible to children in the Museum of the Foundational Area of the city of Mendoza (Argentina). We start from paradigms that prioritize inclusion and accessibility, placing emphasis on the integral experience of visitors to the museum. To this end, we considered different variables to be taken into account in the Museum of the Foundational Area, including the need to adapt its spaces, installations and proposals to make them child-friendly, given that this is a regular visitor public. This means rethinking aspects of its museography, thinking about the comforts that should be offered to both children and their families, tolerating the different ways of being and acting, expanding communication channels and resources, ensuring a pleasant treatment that takes their experience in the museum to the most optimal and meaningful level possible.
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