Plant species in recreational spaces of Initial Education Establishments of Bahía Blanca District (Buenos Aires, Argentina): Analysis of its diversity and educational role.




Argentina, didactic resource, kindergarten, ornamental plant, plant species, plant diversity, urban green space.


Introduction and aims: The plant species grown in Educational Establishments are diverse, reflecting the customs of the local population. Their presence could
contribute to the revaluation of local flora, acting as pedagogical triggers and fulfilling an ornamental function simultaneously. The objectives of this study are to inventory the plant species in recreational spaces of the kindergartens of the Bahía Blanca District and to collect information related to the presence of these species, as well as the general knowledge that managers/teachers have about them.
M&M: A floristic census was carried out in recreational spaces of 85 public and private kindergartens. Directors/teachers were surveyed/interviewed to record
complementary information about the species and their role in the institution.
Results: Two hundred seventy-two species belonging to 86 botanical families were identified. 88% were found to be exotic, and 12% were native, with 1.45% being endemic to Argentina. 100% of all kindergartens that present plants have exotic species, 43% 43% native species and 10% endemic species. The teachers recognize a need for knowledge of the botanical environment and mention an
interest in training on the subject.
Conclusions: The diversity of plant species in the recreational spaces of kindergartens is high, most of them being exotic. It is important to plan plant species in these institutions so that they can be used as teaching resources.


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“Plant Species in Recreational Spaces of Initial Education Establishments of Bahía Blanca District (Buenos Aires, Argentina): Analysis of Its Diversity and Educational Role”. 2024. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica 59 (2).

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