Morpho-anatomical features of the leaves and stems of Baccharis notosergila (Asteraceae) and their relationship with the environment and chemical control




aboveground system, adaptation features, environment, Salado river basin, stress tolerance.


Background and aims: Baccharis notosergila is an aggressive weed inhabiting the Salado river basin, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. The aims of this work were: to analyze the morpho-anatomy and histochemistry of aerial vegetative organs in order to understand the adaptation strategies that ensure its survival, as well as to expand knowledge on traits determining resistance to the control methods applied.

M&M: The material collected was prepared and examined with conventional techniques of microscopy. Histochemical tests to identify starch, resins, polyphenols, and lipophilic substances were performed. 

Results: The major features found were small and deciduous leaves; uniseriate epidermis with massive and striate cuticle; stomata at level or slightly above the other epidermal cells and glandular trichomes secreting oily substances; stomata on both surfaces and isobilateral mesophyll. Tannins, starch and lipophilic substances were identified in leaves and stems; polyphenols, resins and lipids in ducts, and calcium oxalate crystals in leaves, stems and capitate trichomes.

Conclusions: The aerial vegetative organs features of B. notosergila explain its tolerance to the unfavorable conditions of the Salado river basin area, as well as its high competitive ability over others species of the natural prairie. The reduced and deciduous leaves, the epidermal traits, and chemical substances found constitute a physical and chemical barrier reducing dehydration as well as the penetration of the herbicides applied for its control. Botanical knowledge of B. notosergila is the basis for the design and development of new and appropriate management methods for this species.

Biografia do Autor

  • Alejandra V. Carbone

    1Prof. Adjunta de Morfología Vegetal, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales (FCAyF), Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), 2Instituto de Fisiología Vegetal, (INFIVE-CONICET-UNLP)

  • Federico E. Fernández

    Docente Forrajicultura y Praticultura, FCAyF, UNLP

  • Marcelo P. Hernández

    Integrante de Laboratorio de Morfología Comparada de Espermatófitas (LAMCE), Docente Sistemática Vegetal, FCAyF, UNLP, Docente Botánica Sistemática II, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (FCNyM), UNLP, Integrante División Plantas Vasculares, FCNyM, UNLP

  • Santiago M. Martínez Alonso



    Investigadora, Jubilada en el cargo de Profesora Titular Ordinaria de Morfología Vegetal, Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata


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Morfologia e Anatomia

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“Morpho-Anatomical Features of the Leaves and Stems of Baccharis Notosergila (Asteraceae) and Their Relationship With the Environment and Chemical Control”. 2021. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica 56 (4).

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