Cytotype variation and clonal diversity in polyploid apomictic populations of Pilosella (Compositeae, Cichorieae) introduced to southern Patagonia


  • Anna Krahulcová Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  • František Krahulec Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic



Aneuploidy, alien plants, clonal diversity, cytotypes, facultative apomixis, hybridization, Patagonia, Pilosella, plant invasion, polyploidy, South America


Introduction and objectives: The members of the genus Pilosella are native in Europe and Asia, but they are successful invasive species on most continents. These species form an agamic complex with common apomixis. Apomictic species hybridize, they have different degree of residual sexuality. Main aim of this paper was to determine if the interspecific hybridization already occurred in Patagonia.

M&M: This study is based on analysis of seed progeny collected at thirteen populations of Pilosella in southern Argentina and Chile. The plants were examined for their taxonomic identity, DNA ploidy level (using flow cytometry), chromosome number, reproduction, formation of parthenogenetic seeds and clonal identity (using isozyme phenotypes).

Results: No mixed-species population was recorded. Two apomictic clones of P. officinarum (one pentaploid and the other hexaploid) were found in populations: eight were hexaploid and one was mixed in cytotype composition. A new species for Patagonia, the apomictic pentaploid P. caespitosa, was represented by plants from two populations in Argentina. Some of the progeny plants cultivated from seeds sampled at three localities represented seed-fertile aneuploids the morphology of which implied a hybrid origin and indicated P. officinarum as one of the parents. 

Conclusions: The presence of seed-fertile, aneuploid and parthenogenetic hybrids among the cultivated plants signifies an increased risk of the formation of new hybridogeneous genotypes of Pilosella in southern Patagonia. 


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“Cytotype Variation and Clonal Diversity in Polyploid Apomictic Populations of Pilosella (Compositeae, Cichorieae) Introduced to Southern Patagonia”. 2021. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica 56 (3).

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