Vol. 58 No. 3 (2023): September. Special Issue: Amaryllidaceae

					View Vol. 58 No. 3 (2023): September. Special Issue: Amaryllidaceae

SPECIAL ISSUE: A journey across the Amaryllidaceae: an outlook from the Americas

 The family Amaryllidaceae includes two subfamilies: Amarylloideae (including Crinum, Narcissus, etc.) and Allioideae (containing Allium, garlic and onion subfamily), both widely represented in South America. Although it contains species of great economic interest, this group is poorly represented in herbaria, as well as in floristic treatments of the region. This special section aims to 1) bring together different areas of botany in which the representatives of the family are being studied, such as anatomy, cytology, embryology, ecology, and evolution, etc., with emphasis on the South American representatives (not exclusive) and 2) recognize useful tools for species delimitation with the objective of expanding knowledge about the diversity and evolution of the family.

Editors: Agostina B. Sassone and Nicolás García.

Agostina B. Sassone, postdoctoral researcher at the “Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research” (Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung), focused on systematics of the tribe Leucocoryneae (Allioideae). https://agostinasassone.wixsite.com/mysite

Nicolás García, Associate Professor and Curator of the EIF Herbarium, Universidad de Chile, specialist in systematics of tribe Hippeastreae (Amaryllioideae) and Chilean Allioideae.


Published: 2023-06-01

Editorial & Índice

Special issue: Amaryllidaceae