Distribution and conservation status of Phytolacca tetramera (Phytolaccaceae), a rare endemic plant of the Argentine Pampas





degree of threat,, IUCN categorization, geographical range, grasslands, ombusillo, small range endemic.


Background and aims: The “ombusillo”, Phytolacca tetramera, is a rare plant endemic to the northeast Buenos Aires province, Argentina. The objective of this work is to provide a more accurate approximation of its distribution area, to evaluate the conservation status of the species and to list the threats to its conservation. 

M&M: The occurrence sites were obtained from herbarium specimens, databases, bibliography, and fieldwork. We delimited geographic nuclei, or potential subpopulations, for groups of “ombusillos”. We surveyed the activities that threaten the survival of the species and finally the conservation status was evaluated using the IUCN criterion B1 (extent of occurrence).

Results: Phytolacca tetramera is currently restricted to the coast of the Río de la Plata between 4 and 15 m asl, from the district of La Plata to the Samborombón Bay. It has an extension of presence of 4313.714 km2, in which four geographic nuclei were identified. In accordance with IUCN criterion B1, we propose the category Endangered B1ab(i,iii) for P. tetramera. The threats to the survival of the species are diverse and need further studies, urbanization being one of the most serious.

Conclusions: Due to the restricted geographical extension of P. tetramera and its possible threats, it is essential to carry out actions for the conservation of this species. Among the priority actions for the future, it is essential to know more about its dispersal capacity and regeneration niche. 


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How to Cite

Guerrero, Elián Leandro, Luis Gerardo Pagano, Agustín Abba, Pablo Grilli, Alejandro Galup, María José Apodaca, Facundo Di Sallo, and Gustavo Delucchi. 2022. “Distribution and Conservation Status of Phytolacca Tetramera (Phytolaccaceae), a Rare Endemic Plant of the Argentine Pampas”. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 57 (4). https://doi.org/10.31055/1851.2372.v57.n4.38064.



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