Evaluation of infiltration in two soil-vegetation complexes in Monte of San Juan (Argentina)





dry land, infiltration, native vegetation, soil, water dynamics


Background and aims: The functioning of arid zone ecosystems depends on the fraction of precipitation that enters the soil and can be absorbed by vegetation. Vegetation affects infiltration by modifying droplet size, altering soil structure and changing microtopography. The objective of the work was to evaluate infiltration parameters in two soil-vegetation complexes in the central mount of San Juan.

M&M: Visual interpretation of satellite images and field work identified and characterized soil-vegetation complexes (SVCs). Bare soil and covered soil were the two surface conditions defined for each SVCs. A simple ring and variable load infiltrometer performed the infiltration tests. The samples taken from the soil determined texture, organic matter content, apparent density, available nitrogen, salinity, among others.

Results and Conclusions: Two SVCs were recognized: one dominated by Prosopis flexuosa and the other by Larrea divaricata. In the first complex, the soil presented a sandy clay loam texture, while in the second the texture was sandy loam. In both SVC, the mean infiltration speed (p=0.03), basic (p=0.02) and initial infiltration (p=0.02) were statistically different between bare soil and covered soil. In addition, the mean infiltration rate was 2.48 times higher in the complex dominated by carob trees compared to bare soil. These results suggest that the presence of vegetation favors the infiltration and entry of water into the soil. These data could be used as inputs for the elaboration or adjustment of hydrological models of the Monte.


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How to Cite

Tapia, Raul, Julieta Carmona Crocco, and Mariana Martinelli. 2022. “Evaluation of Infiltration in Two Soil-Vegetation Complexes in Monte of San Juan (Argentina)”. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 57 (4). https://doi.org/10.31055/1851.2372.v57.n4.36882.



Ecology and Conservation