Characterization and conservation status of the vegetation from Southern Comechingones ranges (Córdoba, Argentina)


  • Evangelina Natale Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto
  • Gonzalo Martínez Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra, Biodiversidad y Ambiente (ICBIA), Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, CONICET, Córdoba, Argentina
  • Marcelo Arana Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra, Biodiversidad y Ambiente (ICBIA), Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, CONICET, Córdoba, Argentina; UICN-SCC Temperate South American Plants Specialist Group.
  • Antonia Oggero Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra, Biodiversidad y Ambiente (ICBIA), Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, CONICET, Córdoba, Argentina;



Conservation, native vegetation, territorial planning, watershed


Background and aims: Recognizing the relationship among the composition, structure and functionality of an ecosystem leads us to deduce that the services derived from them are vulnerable to changes in land use. Owing to that, the sustainable development of populations cannot only be achieved with the management of economic and social capitals but must be integrated with an adequate management of natural capital. In the mountain ranges of the south of Córdoba (Argentina), the accelerated anthropization process has modified the natural landscape of the upper basin of the Río Cuarto river, reducing ecosystem services, so this study aims to characterize its vegetation and assess its conservation status.

M&M: Vegetation censuses were carried out in the different environments and the environmental units were digitized. Then, the Integral Environmental Assessment Index was applied in order to define the conservation value.

Results: Seven vegetation units belonging to the biogeographic province of Chaco and three to Comechingones were defined. One hundred ninety-six environmental units (UA) were digitized, 8% of which were in very good condition covering large areas. Thirty-nine percent of the defined UA were in poor condition and are located below 850 meters above sea level.

Conclusions: These results allowed us to generate new knowledge to complete the landscape scenario of one of the most important basins in the Córdoba province as well as providing higher resolution information to be used by conservation agency in the implementation of Law 9814 on the territorial planning of the native forests.


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Author Biography

Evangelina Natale, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto

Ayudante de primera simple SE - Orientación Botánica de Vasculares- Dpto Ciencias Naturales -Fac. de Ciencias Exactas, físico-quiímicas y Naturales


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How to Cite

Natale, Evangelina, Gonzalo Martínez, Marcelo Arana, and Antonia Oggero. 2020. “Characterization and Conservation Status of the Vegetation from Southern Comechingones Ranges (Córdoba, Argentina)”. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 55 (2):253-71.



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