- Estudios morfo-anatómicos de domacios foliares en Rubiáceas argentinas.


  • María Florencia Romero
  • Roberto Salas
  • Ana Maria Gonzalez




Anatomy, domatia, idioblasts, - Estudios morfo-anatómicos de domacios foliares en Rubiáceas argentinas.......mites, Rubiaceae


Morpho-anatomic studies of leaf domatia in Argentinian Rubiaceae. This paper deals with the study of leaf domatia in Argentine Rubiaceae, which are common morphogenetic structures on the underside of the leaves of woody plants, which can establish mutual relations with mites or ants. Tufts of hair, pockets, cavities and crypts: many families are classified into types common relatively well preserved. Around 290 families of “dicots” have domatia, Rubiaceae being the best represented with all known and transitional types. Domestic classification by molecular data, Rubiaceae divided into three subfamilies: Rubioideae, Ixorideae and Cinchonoideae. In Argentina inhabit 41 genera and 132 species of Rubiaceae, of which 34 are woody (27%). As result, tree domatia types were found: tuft of hair, pockets and crypt, present in 14 species of Rubiaceace. It is mentioned for the first time a domatia in a vine species of Manettia. The results were compared with recent molecular studies; this confirmed the plesiomorphic condition thereof, since different types are common to the three subfamilies almost all the tribes of the family. Based on this sampling, the following tribes completely lack domatia: Anthospermeae, Rubieae, Paederieae and Pavetteae.


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How to Cite

Romero, María Florencia, Roberto Salas, and Ana Maria Gonzalez. 2015. “- Estudios Morfo-anatómicos De Domacios Foliares En Rubiáceas Argentinas”. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 50 (4):493-514. https://doi.org/10.31055/1851.2372.v50.n4.12913.



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