Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and dark septate endophytes in roots of native medicinal ferns from “Sierras Centrales de San Luis”, central-west Argentina


  • María Luz Torres Área de Ecología, Dpto. de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas, Facultad de Química Bioquímica y Farmacia, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, San Luis, Argentina. MICODIF- Grupo de Micología, Diversidad e Interacciones Fúngicas
  • Esteban M. Crespo Área de Ecología, Dpto. de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas, Facultad de Química Bioquímica y Farmacia, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, San Luis, Argentina. MICODIF- Grupo de Micología, Diversidad e Interacciones Fúngicas
  • M. Cecilia Carosio Área de Ecología, Dpto. de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas, Facultad de Química Bioquímica y Farmacia, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, San Luis, Argentina
  • Mónica Lugo Área de Ecología, Dpto. de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas, Facultad de Química Bioquímica y Farmacia, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, San Luis, Argentina. MICODIF- Grupo de Micología, Diversidad e Interacciones Fúngicas. IMIBIO-CONICET-UNSL



Arbuscular mycorrhizae, Arum, Chaco District,, dark septate endophytes, ferns, Paris


Background and aims: The plant´s roots and fungi establish symbiotic endophytic associations that can coexist: arbuscular mycorrhizae and “dark septate” endophytes. Ferns and lycophytes are vascular plants that can form both fungal symbioses. The objective of this work is to detect the presence of fungal root endosymbiosis, know the mycorrhizal status, and analyze the type of colonizationin in native and ornamental ferns from the “Sierras Centrales de San Luis”.

M&M: In three sites in the “Sierras Centrales de San Luis”, 9-10 individuals of each studied species were collected, their roots were processed to study these fungal. Characterization and quantification of their root colonization was evaluated.

Results: In the three sites studied, Anemia tomentosa var. anthriscifolia formed mycorrhizal associations, the colonization presented abundant hyphal and arbusculated intracellular coils. In addition, glomoid spores of mycorrhizal fungi were found in their rhizospheres. Dark septate endophytes were absent in all species analyzed, none hyphae neither microsclerotia were recorded in roots of these native medicinal ferns.

Conclusions: The mycorrhizal status of Anemia tomentosa var. anthriscifolia, one of the five medicinal fern species from the Sierras Centrales de San Luis studied, is presented. The arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization is described and quantified, and its type is determined as Paris. None of the fern species studied was associated with dark septate endophytes.


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How to Cite

“Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Dark Septate Endophytes in Roots of Native Medicinal Ferns from ‘Sierras Centrales De San Luis’, Central-West Argentina”. 2024. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 59 (3).

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