Fruits from ornamental palms trees Butia yatay and Syagrus romanzoffiana (Arecaceae) as a source of nutrients and bioactive compounds
Arecaceae, Butia, Histochemistry, Nutricional composition, SyagrusAbstract
Background and aims: Butia yatay and Syagrus romanzoffiana are the most popular ornamental palms trees (Arecaceae) cultivated in many cities of Argentina. During the summer both species produce large quantities of fruits that are arranged in pendulous clusters, very striking due to their organoleptic characteristics: intense color and sweet aroma; however, they are underestimated by the urban population to be used as an alternative source of food. This study aimed to characterize these fruits morphoanatomy, histochemical and nutritional composition in order to encourage their consumption.
MyM: The fruits were collected and fixed for standard anatomical examination or used fresh for histochemical study. The proximal composition, total phenolic, and fatty acids were determined.
Results: The pulps presented large idioblasts containing tannins, mucilage and calcium oxalate raphides. The presence of groups of fibers of different sizes and vascular bundles surrounded by highly developed sclerenchyma sheaths, scattered throughout the mesocarp, was observed. Both fruits were rich in carbohydrate content (B. yatay 11,4 mg g-1 and S. romanzoffiana 37,3 mg g-1) and proved to be a good source of dietary fiber and linoleic and linolenic acids, indispensable for human nutrition since they are parent fatty acids of de omega 6 and omega 3 family.
Conclusions: The anatomical and histochemical study of the fruits of B. yatay and S. romanzoffiana allowed us to establish correlations between the observed characters and their proximal and nutritional composition.
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