Plants that feed the hearth: first results of the phytolith record of combustion structures from Cueva de los Catalanes (Araucanía, Chile)


  • Constanza Roa Solís División de Arqueología Museo de La Plata (Laboratorio Arqueobotánica), Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de la Plata.
  • Débora Zurro HUMANE - Human Ecology and Archaeology Research Group. Departamento de Arqueología y Antropología, Institució Milà i Fontanals de Investigación en Humanidades IMF-CSIC



Archaeobotany, Ceramic Period, fire management, hearth, Late Holocene,, phytoliths


Background and aims: Fire management is a widely discussed topic in Archaeology, which has been mainly addressed through anthracology and carpology. Phytolith
analysis complements these techniques thanks to some silica phytolith advantages: 1) they are preserved in a wide variety of environments without requiring carbonization or special conditions and 2) they account for different taxonomic categories and different plant organs. The present study seeks to identify the plant specific signal from the combustion structures of Cueva de los Catalanes, in comparison to areas without evidence of combustion and throughout the occupational sequence.
M&M: The material analyzed corresponds to sediment samples from Cueva de Los Catalanes’s different occupation levels and combustion structures. Phytolith analysis and the statistical processing of the data were carried out.
Results: This work suggests that phytolith assemblages are very heterogeneous.
However, samples coming from the combustion structures show both higher concentrations and diversity of phytoliths. Likewise, pre-Hispanic samples are richer
in phytoliths and the spectrum shows some different features, which correlate with higher densities of the archaeological materials.
Conclusions: Phytolith analysis is outlined as a useful as well as a complementary tool to understand the study area’s fire management, having a wide potential poorly explored.


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How to Cite

“Plants That Feed the Hearth: First Results of the Phytolith Record of Combustion Structures from Cueva De Los Catalanes (Araucanía, Chile)”. 2022. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 57 (3).

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