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Author Guidelines


The article must be original, not previously published, in the same or another language and is not under consideration in another publisher (read scope and editorial policy). Submission implies that its publication has been approved by all co-authors. Papers written in Spanish, Portuguese or English are accepted.

The manuscript must be accompanied by a LETTER TO THE EDITOR, expressing the original contribution of the work to your discipline or the development of new methodologies and its relation to any of the botanical fields. In this letter it is suggested to provide the names of at least three possible reviewers, indicating their e-mail address.

The order of the text should keep the following sequence of chapters:

Title, Título (en español), Abbreviated Title, Author(s) (includes institutional affiliation, ORCID of each author and correspondence author's email address), Summary, Resumen (en español), Key words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions, Author Contributions, Acknowledgements (includes Funding), Bibliography, References to Figures and Tables. These chapters will not be numbered. The proposed scheme can be varied but maintaining the order, depending on the subject.

 General Format

The manuscript must be submitted in Word (.doc, .docx ).
Use a normal, single font (e.g., Times New Roman 11), double spacing, justified.
CAPITALIZE, bold, and italics where appropriate. Use italics for genus, species, and infraspecific categories. Genera should be complete when beginning a paragraph and abbreviated in the middle of a sentence.
Terms such as et al., in vitro, go in italics.
Use automatic page numbering and continuous line numbering throughout the document.
In all cases, a single space between words and a single "Enter" should be placed at the end of each paragraph.
Cardinal points, units of measure and abbreviations do not have a period (e.g. m, cm, µm, S, N, NO, FAA). To express meters above sea level use "m s.n.m.".
Abbreviations: must be clarified the first time they are mentioned.
In descriptions use the units and symbols of the Metric System, separating the decimals with a period (0.5) if it is in English.
Headings: The title of each chapter (Summary, Resumen, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, etc.) will be capitalized, bold, and left aligned.  Second level subtitles will be capitalized, italic and placed next to the left margin. If necessary a third level of subtitles will be aligned to the left in normal letter followed by a colon and on the same line the text of the section.
The legends of the figures and tables must be included on a separate sheet in the manuscript of the work at the end of the text.
Figures should be sent separately from the main manuscript according to specific instructions.
The tables must be made in Excel© and attached as sheets within the same file (*. xls). Each table must have its number clearly indicated in the header and each data must occupy a cell (not combine them). The legends of the tables with all the references, including all the abbreviations used in them should be at the end of the main manuscript.
Avoid abbreviations and numbers. The mention of "1st, 2nd part" or similar text is not accepted.


Titles/ Título (in Spanish for works written in English or Portuguese):

It must be specific, concise and informative, clearly identifying the topic of study. If it includes the name of a specific or generic taxon, the higher taxonomic category to which it belongs will be added in brackets, excluding any plant author names. If it a localized geographical region is mentioned, it should be added in brackets the country and, if necessary, the relevant political subdivision. 

Running title: Suggest a short title for the page head.

 Author(s), institutional affiliation, ORCID and mail of corresponding author

The first name of each author must be written in full capital letters below the title. Ej: Jonathan Urrutia-Estrada, Javier Ulloa, Rafael A. García & Pedro Jara-Seguel.
Below and differentiated with numbers, the authors' places of work should be stated.
All authors must include the ORCID digital identifier in the initial submission of the manuscript to be considered (
Finally, indicate with * (asterisk) the author's email address for correspondence, your email address will appear on the first page of the article, acting as contact author with other interested researchers.

Summary, Resumen

In this section you should indicate the background and objective of the study, concise materials and methods, the main results and the conclusions reached. The summary should make sense in its own right. Include a summary in Spanish (Resumen) if the article is in English.
Summary/Resumen should contain a minimum of 200 and a maximum of 250 words each and should be organized into the following four paragraphs: Introduction and objectives/M&M/Results/Conclusions and Introducción y objetivos/M&M/Resultados/Conclusiones  respectively.
The abstract must not contain any abbreviations or references.

Key words, Palabras claves

Between 4 and 7 key words shall be included, sorted alphabetically and separated by commas. It is recommended to re-include relevant terms from the title, as they can be used independently of the Title/Title to locate articles.


The background of the topic will be presented in order to understand its study and the reasons why it carried out the research. Do not write a review of the literature in your Introduction, but do cite previous studies relevant to the problem. It is recommended that you finish this chapter by specifying the objectives of your study.

Materials and Methods

All studied material must be deposited in a herbarium included in the Index Herbariorum. The acronyms of the herbariums as used in accordance with: Thiers, B. Continuously updated. Index Herbariorum: A global directory of public herbaria and associated staff. New York Botanical Garden's Virtual Herbarium.

Authors of taxa will be written according to The International Plant Names. They are only indicated the first time they are cited in the text.

Scientific names (throughout the manuscript): The latin names designating genera, species, subspecies and varieties should be written in italics, except for those heading the description of a taxon, which should be written in bold. Names of families, orders, etc., shall be written in normal script.

Acronyms: They should be written with the first letter capitalized. They will not be mentioned in the title or the figure legends. They will be included only the first time that the taxonomic categories are mentioned in the text or in the list of studied material.

Material examined: The data of herbarium specimens must follow a uniform pattern throughout the text. It is suggested to name the administrative divisions in alphabetical order and from greater to lesser, according to the following scheme:

COUNTRY (in uppercase); Province (Prov.); Department (Dpt.); locality or place; date; name and number of the collector; herbarium acronym (in parentheses) as suggested by the Index Herbariorum, as the following example:

ARGENTINA. Prov. Catamarca: Dpto. Andalgalá, Andalgalá, verano de 1898, Schickendantz 240 (CORD, LIL). Dpto. Capital, Sierra de Ambato (Falda E), cerros en los alrededores de Las Rejas, XII-1960, Ulibarri et al. 460 (CORD, SI). BRASIL. Estado de Santa Catarina: Mun. Caçador, Rio do Bugre, 7-XII-1962, Klein et al. 3449 (HBR).

If the number of specimens is high, it is advised to include only one per locality.

Methods: Subtitle the diverse methodologies (Upper/lower case, italic and left-aligned).  If they are already established methods, do not describe them in detail, just mention them and cite the source. Only new methodologies should be described in sufficient detail to allow their reproducibility. Include in this section the nomenclature and abbreviations used, the color tables used, the execution of the figures, etc.


Only original data obtained during the course of the research, without bibliographic citations, should be included here. Do not duplicate data in text and tables.


It will contain a comparative analysis between what was already known about the subject and what was observed by the author, leaving at the end the contribution of the work condensed.


The inclusion of this chapter is highly recommended, although it is at the discretion of the authors and type of work, and may be written along with the Discussion.

Author Contributions

It is only added when there are two or more authors.    The contribution of each author should be briefly and concisely indicated in the various aspects of the work: design and conduct of the research; analysis, collection or interpretation of data, preparation of figures, writing of the manuscript. It is recommended to use the CRediT model, available at Of course, it is possible to indicate that all authors have contributed equally.

Example 1: AA and BB designed and conducted the research. CC collected field material and consulted herbaria. All authors participated in the writing of the manuscript.
Example 2: All authors have jointly and equally performed the data collection, interpretation and writing of the manuscript.


In a single paragraph to the person(s) who have provided intellectual, technical (including writing, editing and translation) assistance, or equipment. This section should include details of funding received (if any), including the full name of the funding organisation(s) and authors responsible for the grant (initials only).


The Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition text © 2010 by The University of Chicago,
Citations in the text: the sources cited within the text are briefly described and in parentheses, with the author's surname and date of publication, when there are several references in the bibliography, should be indicated chronologically.  Some examples:

Data agree with Smith & Robinson (1994) and Poggio et al. (1993).
The species was extensively studied (Burkart, 1952, 1957a, b; Archangelsky & Petriella, 1971; Romero et al., 2011).

The list of bibliographic references should include only those works cited in the text that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications and unpublished works are only mentioned in the text.

The literature mentioned in the text should be written at the end of the work, in alphabetical order of authors and chronologically when several works by the same author are cited. If there are several authors, only in the first of them the surname precedes the first name; in the rest it is the reverse. Names should be written in capital letters. When the same author is mentioned more than once, his full name should always be repeated. The year of publication should be followed by a, b, etc. when there are several works by the same author in the same year (e.g. 1980a, without space).

Some examples:

LPWG. 2017. A new subfamily classification of the Leguminosae based on a taxonomically comprehensive phylogeny. Taxon 66: 44-77.
MORALES, M. & F. CALDERÓN. Lectotipificaciones en Mimosa (Leguminosae) del sur de Sudamérica. Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 53: 51-57.

ROIG, F. A., G. DEMARCO & C. WUILLOUD. 1980. El límite entre las provincias fitogeográficas del Monte y de la Patagonia en las llanuras altas de San Carlos, Mendoza. Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 19: 331-338.
(Mas de 5 autores) ALEXANDER, J. M., J. J. LEMBRECHTS, A. L. CAVIERES, C. DAEHLER … & T. SEIPEL. 2011. Assembly of nonnative floras along elevational gradients explained by directional ecological filtering. PNAS 108: 656-661. 

  • The DOI should be included whenever available, at the end of the bibliographic reference. It can be obtained by registering with Crossref and uploading your bibliographic list to the available service (register for citation matching, check your email address and accept the terms, it allows you to search up to 5000 references per month): Respect full DOI format (as it appears in crossref). Ej:
  • Transform Roman numerals into Arabic numerals in volume numbering.
  • Do not include issue number(s) after volume.


LEWIS, G., B. SCHRIRE, B. MACKINDER & M. LOCK. 2005. The legumes of the world. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London.
MAHESHWARI, P. 1950. An introduction to the embryology of engiosperms. McGraw-Hill, New York.
RICHARDS, A. J. 1997. Plant breeding systems. 2nd ed. Chapman and Hall, London.

Chapters of Books

ALISCIONI S. S. & TORRETTA J. P. 2017. Malpighiaceae. En: ZULOAGA, F. O. & M. J. BELGRANO (eds.), Flora Vascular de la República Argentina, vol. 17: 163-205. Estudio Sigma S.R.L., Buenos Aires.
DONOGHUE, M. J. & J. A. DOYLE. 1989. Phylogenetic analysis of Angiosperms and the relationships of Hamamelidae. In: CRANE, P. R. & S. BLACKMORE (eds.), Evolution, systematics and fossil history of the Hamamelidae, pp. 17-45. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
SMETS, E. F., L. P. RONSE DE CRAENE, P. CARIS & P. J. RUDALL. 2000. Floral nectaries in Monocotyledons: distribution and evolution. In: WILSON, K. & D. A. MORRISON (eds.), Monocots: systematics and evolution, pp. 230-240. CSIRO, Melbourne.
GALATI, B. & S. ROSENFELDT.  2014. Observación de granos de polen con Microscopio Electrónico de Barrido (MEB). In: ZARLAVSKY, G. E. (ed.), Histología Vegetal: técnicas simples y complejas, pp. 126-129. Sociedad Argentina de Botánica, Buenos Aires.


RODRÍGUEZ, J. M. 2011. El género Usnea (Ascomycetes liquenizados) en Argentina: estudio sistemático - biogeográfico. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.

Publications in congresses, conferences and other scientific events [only if not published in a scientific journal].

DE ROSSI, R., F. GUERRA, M. C. PLAZA, E. VULETIC, E. BRÜCHER, … & G. I. E. MAGNONE. 2016. Enfermedades del maíz en las últimas cinco campañas. En: Actas resúmenes 24° Congreso Aapresid “Resiliar”. Asociación Argentina de Productores en Siembra Directa, Rosario.

[Remark: if a work does not have a paper or digital reference format it should be indicated in the text as e.g. (De Rossi et al., pers. comm.) and should not be cited in the bibliography].

DÍAZ, C., R. DE ROSSI, L. COURETOT, M. SILLÓN, A. N. FORMENTO & V. GONZÁLEZ. 2012. Prevalencia y distribución de enfermedades del maíz en Argentina. In: Anais do 29° Congresso Nacional de Milho e Sorgo, pp. 26-30. Associação Brasileirea de Milho e Sorgo, San Pablo.

GATICA, S. M., M. GALLY, M. CARMONA, A. M. RAMOS & L. I. FERREYRA. 2014. Diferenciación genética de aislamientos de Colletotrichum graminicola de la región pampeana mediante marcadores ISSR. In: PLOPER, L. D. (ed.), Libro de Resúmenes del 3° Congreso Argentino de Fitopatología, pp. 511. Asociación Argentina de Fitopatólogos, Córdoba.

Web pages

THIERS, B. Continuously updated. Index Herbariorum: A global directory of public herbaria and associated staff. New York Botanical Garden's Virtual Herbarium.
QUINION, M. B. 1998. Citing online sources: advice on online citation formats [online]. Available at: [Accessed: 20 October 2005].

To cite online programs of free access

R DEVELOPMENT CORE TEAM. 2009. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Available at: 

RASBAND, W. S. 1997-2018. ImageJ. U. S. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda. Disponible en:

Abbreviations of journals

The names of the journals will be in italics and will be abbreviated according to the Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum (

Other web pages for abbreviations:

List of Title Word Abbreviations: contiene las palabras de los títulos de publicaciones seriadas procesadas por ISSN y sus abreviaturas:

References of Figures and Tables

All figures and tables shall be numbered with consecutive Arabic numerals, independent for Figures and Tables.

Legends must follow this format:

Fig. 1. Youngia japonica. A: Plant. B: Chapter. C: Flower. D: Anther. E: Capitulum. Abbreviations: fi: fibres; r: radius; v: vessel. Scales = A: 2 mm; B-E: 1 mm.

Do not use color references in the captions. Abbreviations will be sorted alphabetically.

The legends of each table will include a title explaining the components and abbreviations of the table. Example:

Table 1. Quantitative parameters of two species of Cyperaceae. Abbreviations= DT: density of trichomes; IE: stomach index.


They include photographs, maps, graphs and diagrams. All figures should be numbered according to the order in which they are cited in the text. Quotations of figures in the text should conform to these examples: (Fig. 3A, C), (Fig. 3A-D), (Figs. 3G; 4A).

Size: the figures must fit exactly to the final width of a column (7.2 cm) or to the width of the magazine box (15 cm). The length can be extended up to 21.5 cm, if possible reserving space for the legend.

The photographs or drawings must be sent arranged in figures, which must be grouped leaving a vertical margin of 1 mm between them and up to 3 mm of horizontal spacing to place the scale bar.Do not add black borders to each photograph or drawing.

In order to characterize the elements of each figure, capital letters will be used in the lower right corner, and in order to indicate particular details of each photo or graphic, letters or abbreviations in lower case will be used. Use only sans serif fonts e.g. Arial or Helvetica, (do not use serif fonts such as Times New Roman or similar, nor bold or italics). The size of letters is 2-4 mm (8-12 pt) high (verifiable in the printed version respecting the width of a column to 7.2 cm, or full box of 15 cm), keeping these sizes between the different figures and graphics of the article. The typography will be in white or black depending on the background. If there is not a good contrast between the letters and the photos, you should place the capital letters on a white square that highlights it and the lower case letters of minor references on a circle or rectangle with rounded edges (see example).

Each photograph/drawing will take the corresponding scale in the form of horizontal bar in the lower left corner, being able to be located on the photo or graph only if it has good contrast, if not to locate it in the space between photos. The text of the scales will be incorporated in the legend of the figures (e.g. Scales = A-B: 20 µm) and not on the image.

Photographs should have good focus and high contrast. Adjustments of brightness, contrast, or color balance are acceptable as long as they do not obscure or remove any information from the original.

Incorporate clear symbols into graphics and maps such as circles, triangles, squares, or diamonds, avoiding the use of similar colors (e.g., use "●" - "or").

Each figure, with all the elements arranged in sheets, must be attached as complementary files (separate/individual photographs are not accepted). Image files must be in TIFF or JPG format, with 600 dpi resolution for photographs and 1200 dpi resolution for line graphics or gray scale illustrations.



 In the digital edition of the Bulletin the figures in color do not have cost. The initial shipment will include the color images. Once accepted, authors must send two versions:

1) the colour files (for the online pdf version) and
2) the same in grey scale (for printed version).


They must be attached as complementary files in Excel format. It is convenient that each table (if more than one) occupies an Excel sheet. The tables are numbered separately from the Figures.  Each field should occupy one cell, not merge contiguous cells.


Papers should have an Introduction, but some sections such as Results and Discussion are optional.

The nomenclature will be governed by the current International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi and Plants, available at 

Species should be treated as follows: name, description, distribution and habitat, common names, specimens examined, comments or observations (including morphological data, nomenclature, phenology, uses, conservation status). In the case of a new species, a diagnosis may be included as an option before the description.

A paragraph by basonym is used. Synonyms based on different types are placed in separate rows, each beginning with the basonym, followed by another combination (if applicable), and the type citation.


  1. Heliotropium campestre Griseb., Abh. Königl. Ges. Wiss. Götingen 19: 234. 1874. Euploca campestris (Griseb.) Diane & Hilger, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 125 (1): 48. 2003. TIPO: ARGENTINA. Prov. Córdoba; en el campo, cerca de Córdoba, P. G. Lorentz 96, verano 1871 (Holotipo, CORD 0000 6104!).

Heliotropium andinum Rusby, Mém. Torrey Bot. Club 4: 224-225. 1895. TIPO: BOLIVIA, vicinity of Cochabamba, 1891, Bang 929 (LECTOTIPO aquí designado GH!; isolectotipos MO!, NY!, F). Fig. 1A.

Type material

Data of the nomenclatural type will be located after the bibliographic citation corresponding to each taxon, following the order indicated in the section on Material studied. Heterotipical names should be listed in separate paragraphs, in chronological order, indicating the symbol of equality (=) at the beginning.

The category and the herbarium(s) in which they are deposited should then be indicated, and the specimens examined by the author after the herbarium acronym (e.g. W! o W 29867! o W 00033277! o  W [foto!], etc., as appropriate).

If there is no collector number or even no collector to cite, it is necessary to cite, for example, "Krapovickas s.n." or "Without collector".

The name of the categories of standard materials may be indicated in Spanish (Holotype, Isotype, Isotypes, Lectotypes, etc.) or in Latin (Holotypus, Isotypus, Isotypi, Lectotypus, etc.). In the case of a designation of lectotype, neotype, epitype, this name must be accompanied by the phrase 'here designated' or 'hic designatus' (in accordance with the language used for the 'type') or equivalent phrase according to the International Nomenclature Code (ICN). It should be noted that the absence of such a phrase, according to the regulations of the RCN, will invalidate the selection of the type.

For example:

Gaya eligulata Krapov., Tressens et Fernández. Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 16: 97. 1974. Tipo: Brasil. Bahía, Joazeiro, Estaçao Experimental Manda-carú, 6-IV-1967, Krapovickas 12882 (Holotipo CTES!, isotipo F!).

Following the previous one with an invented case:

Tipo: Brasil. Bahía, Joazeiro, Estaçao Experimental Manda-carú, 6-IV-1967, Krapovickas 12882 (Lectotipo aquí designado  CTES!).

Or, in the event that you have already been designated:

Tipo: Brasil. Bahía, Joazeiro, Estaçao Experimental Manda-carú, 6-IV-1967, Krapovickas 12882 (Lectotipo aquí designado  CTES!).

When the type corresponds to an old species, it is recommended to transcribe between quotes the full citation in the original diagnosis in order to complete the data of the corresponding specimen.

The keys will be made following the indented type.

Taxa new to science should be accompanied by an illustration, particularly of their diagnostic characters. It is recommended to include a discussion of their relationships with nearby taxa and a key.

Bibliography accompanying the Latin names of species or genera should not be repeated in the Bibliography section unless it is mentioned in a commentary. The data will be ordered as follows: author; name of the journal or book; volume and number; colon; pagination (only the page where the name is cited); year of publication.

Taxonomic books are abbreviated in accordance with Taxonomic Literature 2:


Strict compliance with the instructions facilitate the assessment of papers submitted for publication. If they do not fall within these standards, they will be returned before being considered by the Editorial Committee. The latest issue should be the first guide for authors.

All editorial process is done online, under the Open Journal System (OJS) system. The authors can submit their manuscripts through the web site:


Manuscripts are reviewed by experienced specialists in each of the fields of plant biology. Special attention in the new contribution to botanical knowledge of the manuscript will be paid. Manuscripts, after being reviewed by two anonymous peer reviewers, are returned to the authors with their reviews and comments as well as editorial comments.

Final acceptance of the work depends on strict compliance with the requirements of the journal and that the authors provide answers to the comments of the reviewers. Accepted manuscripts are published in the order of receiving them. Authors are expected to respect the objectives and ethics of Argentina Botanical Society.

If material with copyright is reproduced it should be indicated that it has the appropriate permit, which must be submitted with the manuscript, being the sole responsibility of the authors. The Editorial Committee will explore whether there is plagiarism in case of doubt.

Authors are responsible for identify and indicate conflicts of interest that could be perceived as bias in their work, recognizing the financial support obtained.

If a work presents unpublished data belonging from other researchers, a formal note of these authors allowing its use has to be provided.

Corrections to proofs should be limited to typographical errors, avoiding introducing extensive changes to the original. In case they were needed, the extra charge caused by such modifications shall be paid by the author. The cost of color illustrations, if any, will be in charge of the author.


Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for authors.
  • I declare that the work is original and unpublished and was written by those who declare its authorship, it was prepared especially for publication in the Bulletin of the Argentine Botanical Society. The article must not have been published in the same or another language in any printed or electronic medium and must not be in another editorial process. COAUTHORY: All authors will be notified of the submission and included in the original submission, providing Name and Surname, email and orcid. One of the authors defines himself as an author of correspondence and undertakes to keep the co-authors informed throughout the editorial process.
  • The manuscript is in OpenOffice© or Microsoft Word© format; the legends of the figures and tables are on a separate sheet in the manuscript. The figures are sent separately from the manuscript according to specific instructions (arranged in FIGURES: photos in JPG with 600 dpi and linear graphics in TIFF). The tables were made in Excel©.
  • COMMENTS TO THE EDITOR: accompany the manuscript with a cover letter clearly expressing the original contribution of the work to your discipline or the development of new methodologies and their relationship with some of the branches of botany. You can provide at least 3 names of possible reviewers of the manuscript sent, indicating your e-mail address.
  • Primary Research Data: the authors declare that they are aware of Law No. 26899/2013 and undertake to make their primary data available. The Argentine Republic adheres to the Open Access Policy This Law and its regulations determine that researchers, professors, postdoctoral fellows and master's and doctoral students whose research activity is financed with public funds must deposit or expressly authorize the deposit of a copy of the final version of their published scientific-technological production or accepted for publication in the open access digital repositories of their institutions, within a period of no more than six (6) months from the date of its official publication or approval (Art.5º). Primary research data must be deposited within a period not exceeding five (5) years from the time of collection, in accordance with the policies established by the institutions. This is mandatory for data produced from 2013 onwards.

Original Articles

These are original scientific works from the whole spectrum of Botany and the various related organisms and fungi, both in basic and applied aspects. 

Morphology & Anatomy

Editora de sección

ANA MARÍA GONZALEZ  (Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste, Corrientes, Argentina)

Biología Reproductiva

Editora de sección

ANA CALVIÑO (Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal, IMBIV-CONICET, UNC, Córdoba, Argentina)


Editores de sección

GUILLERMO SUÁREZ (Fundación Miguel Lillo, S. M. de Tucumán, Argentina)                                                          JUAN LARRAIN  (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparíso, Chile)

Plant conservation

Esta nueva sección está abierta a artículos y notas breves sobre la conservación de especies vegetales y de las comunidades que conforman. Publicará contribuciones originales en el área de la biología de la conservación de plantas (demografía, conservación genética, conservación in situ y ex situ, ecología y modelización de nicho, gestión, etc.).

Asimismo, como notas breves, podrá acoger evaluaciones de categorías de riesgo de especies vegetales y de ecosistemas, tanto globales como nacionales, siguiendo las metodologías propuestas por la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza.

Editora de sección

KARINA L. SPEZIALE (Grupo de Investigaciones en Biología de la Conservación del INIBIOMA (CONICET-UNCO) Laboratorio Ecotono, San Carlos de Bariloche., Argentina)


Editor de sección

GABRIEL BERNARDELLO (Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal, IMBIV-CONICET, UNC, Córdoba, Argentina)

Ecology and Conservation

Editoras de sección

LIA MONTTI (Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras -IIMyC,CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Argentina)

KARINA L. SPEZIALE (Grupo de Investigaciones en Biología de la Conservación del INIBIOMA -CONICET-UNCO, Laboratorio Ecotono, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina)



Editores de sección

NORMA I. HILGERT (Instituto de Biología Subtropical, Puerto Iguazú, Argentina)

MANUEL PARDO DE SANTAYANA (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España)


Editora de Sección

SYLVIA BONILLA (IECA, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República, Uruguay)


Editor de sección

FEDERICO MOLLARD  (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)


Editora de Sección

MARÍA PAULA ZUNINO (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, IMBIV, Córdoba, Argentina)

Genetics & Evolution

Editora de sección
PAOLA GAIERO (Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay)


Editores de sección

LEOPOLDO IANONNE  (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
MARIA VICTORIA VIGNALE  (Inst. Biotecnología de Misiones e Inst.Misionero de Biodiversidad, Misiones, Argentina)


Editor de sección

GONZALO J.  MARQUEZ (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina)


Editora de sección

GEORGINA DEL FUEYO  (Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia, CABA, Argentina)

Vascular Plants

Editores de seccón

CAROLINA I. CALVIÑO (Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Bariloche, Argentina)
DIEGO GUTIÉRREZ  (Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia, CABA, Argentina)
FRANCO E. CHIARINI  (Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal, Córdoba, Argentina).
ROBERTO M. SALAS (Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste, Corrientes, Argentina)
OLGA G. MARTINEZ (Universidad Nacional de Salta, Salta, Argentina)

Sp.Issue Ferns


“Nuevas tendencias en el estudio de Helechos y Licofitas Neotropicales: miradas multidisciplinarias para su conocimiento y conservación”

Los helechos y las licofitas se encuentran entre los grupos de plantas vasculares más carismáticos por su fascinante historia evolutiva, su rol en los ecosistemas pasados y presentes, sus estrategias de propagación y dispersión, sus características morfológicas y fisiológicas, así como sus usos tradicionales. Particularmente en el Neotrópico, constituyen un importante componente de la flora, albergando esta región varios hotspots de riqueza y endemismo de taxones. No obstante, la mayoría de las especies son particularmente vulnerables a la modificación y pérdida acelerada de hábitats naturales y los cambios en distintas variables climáticas, producto de la acción directa o indirecta del ser humano. Por este motivo, las investigaciones sobre helechos y licofitas en este área cobran especial relevancia, tanto  en la carrera contra el tiempo por conocer y conservar, como por la necesidad de tener buena información para realizar un manejo sostenible del recurso.

En este contexto, el comité editorial del Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica invita a la comunidad científica a participar del volumen dedicado a reunir y difundir los avances más recientes en el conocimiento científico de los helechos y licofitas de la región del Neotrópico y áreas vinculadas.

Se aceptarán artículos de investigación originales, revisiones, artículos de opinión y comunicaciones cortas. Los temas de interés para este volumen especial incluyen, aunque no se circunscriben a:

Taxonomía y sistemática
Ecología y conservación
Fisiología y bioquímica
Filogenia y evolución
Morfología y Anatomía

Los artículos deben ser enviados a través del sistema de envío del BSAB. El plazo de recepción de artículos finaliza el 15 de marzo de 2024.

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Agradecemos su interés en este número especial.

Editores Invitados:

Agustina Yañez. Investigadora Adjunta de CONICET. División Plantas Vasculares, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”. Especialista en morfología, distribución y sistemática de Helechos de la región paranaense.

Gonzalo J. Marquez. Investigador Adjunto del CONICET. División Paleobotanica del Museo de La Plata (FCNYM, UNLP). Especialista en Palinología de Helechos.

Olga Martinez. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Salta - IBIGEO (Instituto De Bio y Geociencias Del NOA, CONICET-UNSa). Especialista en Helechos y Licofitas del NOA.

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