Image, poetry and collection in Poemas del aire. Un libro clase B, by Liliana Campazzo




poetry, plastic work, image, intermediality, collection


The poet Liliana Campazzo (Buenos Aires, 1956) published Poemas del aire. Un libro clase B in 2017, made up of 54 poems and a series of 11 photographs interspersed every six poems, focused on a series of wooden boxes that hold bottles of various shapes inside, apparently empty, and other small objects such as feathers, inkwells, photographs, all belonging to a collection that was installed in the different presentations of the book throughout Patagonia during the year 2017. This work is proposes to analyze the relationships between word, image and collection in Poemas del aire, as well as to carry out a first exploration of the way in which a poetic artefact is sustained that goes beyond the generic and disciplinary limits, putting in contact materials and forms that assemble around the topic of the air, and with it, a world of its own and shared. Concepts from studies on intermediality and the book-album are used to describe the coexistence of the aesthetic materials that coexist in the work and the notion of “unspecific practices” that Florencia Garramuño (2015) uses to characterize the crossings of disciplinary borders in recent works of art.


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Author Biography

Andes Branco Ruiz Delgado, National University of Comahue

Profesor en Letras por la Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Especializando en Literatura Hispanoamericana de los siglos XX y XXI. Actualmente, reside en Neuquén capital.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Delgado, A. B. (2023). Image, poetry and collection in Poemas del aire. Un libro clase B, by Liliana Campazzo. Artilugio, (9), 121–134.