Becoming animal in the Argentine narrative and theater of the 21st century




Dystopias, Becomings, Animality, Biological connections, Contemporary art


From technological developments, climate change and the effects of globalization, the representation of the animal as the Other exhibits changes in relation to the modern conception of humanity. From that separation that accentuated the difference between human beings and animals –real or imaginary– we observe representations in some productions of contemporary art –we will take examples from narrative and theater– that propose mixtures, unions, and connections between species that, in turn, give rise to relocations and transformations that produce new meanings or else, generate reformulations with respect to the traditional ones. Dystopias, monstrous emergencies, irruption of the sinister, revision of taboos, are some of the axes that we recognize in a series of recent fictional productions, which allow us to postulate a paradigm shift that contains a disturbing vision of the present and even more, of the future.


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Author Biography

Liliana B. López, National University of the Arts

Profesora y Licenciada en Letras, Doctora en Artes (área Teoría e Historia de las Artes) por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (UBA). Ejerce como profesora titular en el grado, en posgrados y en el Doctorado en la UNA. Autora de numerosas publicaciones nacionales e internacionales. Investigadora teatral. Directora de proyectos de investigación y de tesistas de doctorado, maestría y especialización. Evaluadora de proyectos de investigación y referato de varias publicaciones. Directora de la revista digital del Departamento de Artes Dramáticas, Territorio teatral (


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How to Cite

López, L. B. (2022). Becoming animal in the Argentine narrative and theater of the 21st century. Artilugio, (8), 123–135.


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