Cureless: inheriting the remains and seizeing solitude.

A reading from Curar al padre by Juan Der Hairabedian.


  • Lorena Fioretti Katz Universidad Provincial de Córdoba



heritage, archive, loneliness, common, autobiography


The present article attempts to articulate two reflections around the of the archive’ and the inheritance’ problems. On the one hand, the logic with which Juan Der Hairabedian mounted Curar al padre (To cure the Father, 2017) and, on the other hand, the aesthetic-philosophical approach that around this discussion is being held in the field of a certain western thought. Our main hypothesis argues that Der Hairabedian's Curar al Padre testifies a way of dealing with inheritance based on what he calls a curatorial procedure as a bodily disposition (“una disposición corporal”) that allows him, as a fragmentary result, to assemble an archive around the father. A series of drifts opens this post: the invention / assembly of the proper name (the autobiographical), the relationship between the intimate and the public, the common loneliness in relation to the reconstruction of our memory, the endless curatorship of oneself.


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Author Biography

Lorena Fioretti Katz, Universidad Provincial de Córdoba

Lorena Fioretti Katz es Doctora en Letras. Actualmente continúa desarrollando su trabajo de investigación como docente de la Facultad de Arte y Diseño, Universidad Provincial de Córdoba, en donde lleva adelante, junto a otras colegas, un Proyecto de Investigación destinado a pensar interdisciplinariamente la problemática de los cuerpos políticos en escena. 


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How to Cite

Fioretti Katz, L. (2020). Cureless: inheriting the remains and seizeing solitude.: A reading from Curar al padre by Juan Der Hairabedian. Artilugio, (6), 87–98.


