The unpredictable movements of the living: revisiting the Butlerian performativity


  • Alberto Canseco Centro de Investigaciones “María Saleme de Burnichón”. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.



movement, performativity, being alive, desnaturalization, Judith Butler


In the present text I am interested in problematizing the figure of being alive in relation to the idea of movement. I would like to suggest that life, what happens in the encounter with the others seems to be linked to the idea of what is not in a state of stillness, an action whose unpredictability is not only in its effects, but in the execution itself and in the movements that execution entails. In this way, a reflection seems necessary that accounts for how this unpredictability can be signaled inasmuch as there is a pretension to regulate the movement, one that can be more or less successful. In effect, certain artistic performances depend on the transgression of these regulations to operate effectively in the denaturalization of certain social rituals. In this regard, it is interesting to recover some reflections about the idea of gender performativity proposed by Judith Butler, which allow us to think of a process of denaturalization in terms of movement of something that was supposed to be in a state of stillness, the "truth of gender ", or in the transgression of the norms that govern the movements articulated by the heterosexual matrix.


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Author Biography

Alberto Canseco, Centro de Investigaciones “María Saleme de Burnichón”. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.

Alberto (beto) Canseco es feminista prosexo y activista de la disidencia sexual.  Es licenciad* en filosofía y doctor* en estudios de género. Realiza sus investigaciones en el Centro de Investigaciones “María Saleme de Burnichón” de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Sus intereses apuntan a un estudio de la obra de Judith Butler, reflexiones sobre el placer sexual y políticas sexuales.


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John Austin, Cómo hacer cosas con palabras (Barcelona: Paidós Estudio, 1982).

Judith Butler, Cuerpos que importan: sobre los límites materiales y discursivos del “sexo” (Buenos Aires: Paidós, 2002).

Judith Butler, El Género en disputa: El feminismo y la subversión de la identidad (Barcelona: Paidós Ibérica, 2007).

Judith Butler, Dar cuenta de sí mismo. Violencia ética y responsabilidad (Buenos Aires: Amorrortu, 2009).

Judith Butler y Sunaura Taylor, “Interdependence” en Astra Taylor (ed.), Examined Life: Excursions with Contemporary Thinkers (New York: New Press, 2009), 185-213.

Jacques Derrida, “Kafka: Ante la ley” en Filosofía como institución (Barcelona: Juan Granica, 1984).

Jacques Derrida, “Firma, acontecimiento, contexto” en Márgenes de la filosofía. (Madrid: Cátedra, 1988).

Franz Kafka, “Ante la ley” en La metamorfosis y otros cuentos (Madrid: Ediciones Siruela, 2006), 109-111.

Eduardo Mattio, “Identidades inestables. Performatividad y radicalismo queer en Judith Butler” en Carlos Schickendantz (ed.), Memoria, identidades inestables y erotismo. Textos sobre género y feminismos (Córdoba: EDUCC, 2008).

Robert McRuer y Anna Mollow (eds.), Sex and Disability (Durham y Londres: Duke University Press, 2012).

Julia Serano, “Repensar el sexismo: cómo cuestionan al feminismo las mujeres trans” en Mauro Cabral (comp.), Construyéndonos. Cuadernos de lecturas para feminismos trans, I (Mulabi, Espacio Latinoamericano de sexualidades y derechos, 2009), 41-47.



How to Cite

Canseco, A. (2018). The unpredictable movements of the living: revisiting the Butlerian performativity. Artilugio, (4), 109–120.