As if the purpose were to talk. Tensions between artistic and university imaginaries




university, art, conversation, virtuality


On different occasions, university art education has been involved in debates about its own models. In this regard, the aims, methodologies and evaluation systems are discussed, resulting in the development of different plans and programs. To address these matters, in September 2023, at the XXVI Jornadas de Investigación en Artes at the Centro de Producción e Investigación en Artes (CePIA), of the Facultad de Artes of the Universidad Nacional of Córdoba (Argentina), a round table or conversation was held under the title “Tensions between artistic and educational imaginaries in the university context.” In this context of exchanging of teaching and research experiences, I shared some insights based located in the Facultad of Bellas Artes of the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. This text groups the notes presented at that meeting into three sections: 1) university assignments in European modernity and some current considerations; 2) the names and roles of the people who participate in the teaching and learning process in a context of apparent depersonalization; and 3) the task of opening spaces for conversation.



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Author Biography

  • José Enrique Mateo León, Complutense University of Madrid

    Artista, docente e investigador de la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Doctor en Bellas Artes. Director del Grupo de Investigación UCM Prácticas Artísticas y Formas de Conocimiento Contemporáneas. Miembro del equipo directivo de Accesos. Revista de Investigación Artística. Investigador del I+D Interacciones del arte en la Tecnosfera. La irrupción de la experiencia. Miembro del grupo CAM En los márgenes del arte (2018-2019). 


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How to Cite

As if the purpose were to talk. Tensions between artistic and university imaginaries. (2024). Artilugio, 10, 221-233.