Epidemics, Health and Science: Interest and Perception of Students of Public Schools of Buenos Aires Conurbation before COVID-19

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Paula Bergero
Juan Pedrosa
Diego Petrucci


In this article we describe the degree of interest of students from public schools of Hurlingham (Buenos Aires), regarding various aspects related to epidemics and health, as well as their perception of science, technology and scientists. Data were collected during 2019 using the ROSE Project questionnaire and, therefore, they reflect the interests of students prior to the pandemic. We found a strong belief that science and technology will provide cures for diseases of greatest concern. The three items that aroused the most interest were: How to perform first aid and use basic medical equipment, Cancer: what we know and how to treat it, and How to control epidemics and diseases. We believe that the information presented here provides a framework to quantify the changes that the COVID-19 pandemic may generate.


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Bergero, P., Pedrosa, J., & Petrucci, D. (2021). Epidemics, Health and Science: Interest and Perception of Students of Public Schools of Buenos Aires Conurbation before COVID-19. Journal of Biology Education, 24(2), 66–79. https://doi.org/10.59524/2344-9225.v24.n2.30510


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